clan names 💙 clan history 💯


Month: March 2022 Page 2 of 5

Iziduko Ndungwana, Ndungwana Clan Names


iimbongo zakwa Kabini

Kabini Clan Names 😍 Kabini Surname

kabini hlalithwa nzimelimnyama namadodana ngebakwathaithai basukela baysukelesgodweni kwa kapo nanamhlanjesi isathithibele khona singebakongaphi zyabikwemandebeleni ngumfazamabelamade ewamunyisuntwana ngale kweligwa neligwana umntwana walthatha walgumada nguMarhongwana omkhulu olanywa ngusluma usluma alanywe ngumtjhitjhi kagosa

Zikhali no Ncube bayahlangana na?

Abanye abantu sebehlanganisa isibongo sakoZikhali nesakoNcube. Cha azihambelani lezi izibongo.

AbokoNcube ngabakwakoMzilankatha fithi uZikhali akuyena uNcube. uZikhali wadabuka eMalinga.

Mvulane Clan


Ncilashe, Msuthu – they belong to the amaVundle people

AmaNqarhwane Clan Origin

Nqarhwane Xhosa clan Origin:

They are actually amaGqunukhwebe. These are originally a Nama/Khoi group from Namibia. They are mostly found in Port Alfred in the Eastern Cape.

Shangaan people are Nguni

Clarifying the identity and origin of the Shangaan people:

The Shangani are Nguni from Zululand and left Zululand under Soshangane. Not all Tsonga are Shangani, Shangani is simply an impossed name.

The term SHANGANE is from SOSHANGANE Son of Zikode..A NGUNI MAN…who led NGUNIS northwards away from King Shaka… SOSHANGANE established….GASA Kingdom…did u see the “S”? It’s GASA not Gaza…..GASA was the grandfather of SOSHANGANE kaZikode Nxumalo….the Nxumalo clan( A Nguni clan) still reigns…All amaShangane are Nguni by definition and they speak Tsonga but are Nguni nonetheless.

Their surnames are Nguni even though they’ve change some letters.

Ncube Clan History, Umlando wakwa Ncube

Ncube Clan Origin:

Mncube/Ncube on the following surnames:

Ncube, Mncube:* Khambule, Mlotshwa, Mzilankatha, Ngcamu, Mpangazitha, Zikhali, Makalima

All these surnames are actually Mncube/Ncube surnames but people opted to use toetems and grandparents names as surnames. I think you should look at the origins of the surname Ncube before assuming that it is a Kalanga surname. In actual fact these people are Sotho descendants and not Nguni. Research on the above surnames and you will discover that its actually one and the same surname with one toetem for all of them.

I do not dispute the fact that The Ncube surname has been used by the Kalanga and shona tribes (Malaba, Shoko etc), but these Ncubes are totally different from the Mzilankathas and are not Sotho descendants.

See below the history and origins of the above mentioned surnames and how they relate:

ABANTU BASEMANCUBENI Abantu basemaNcubeni ungababiza Mncube,Ncube noma Ke Sincuba iqiniso kusengabantu ababodwa laba. Labantu badabuka eLusuthu esizweni lesi sabeSuthu okungakuthi nabo bangabeSuthu.Sibathola bona sebezinze laphaya entabeni Intabazwe (Harriesmith) nasOndini(Underburg), Umuntu esiqala ukuzwa ngaye kulababantu nguye uMncube uqobo. Yenawazala uMzilankatha owazala uMlotshwa yena wazala uSiyobi owazala uMadlozi.Bafike kuleli lakwaZulu lisengalakwaMthethwa lonke leliyazwe elingaphesheya kwemfolozingaselwandle.

Abantu bakwaKhambule baphuma kwaNcube.
Eqinisweni uKhambule bekuyithakazelo be kuthi uNcube kube isibongo. Kodwa uzalo
lukaKhambule owabe engumnawabo kaMadlozi bezalwa naye nguSiyobi
kaMthombeni kaMlotshwa kaMzilankatha
kaNcube lona lwanquma ukusenzisa igama lakhe njengesibongo. Kwase kuba ukuvela
kwesibongo sakwaKhambule. UKhambule lona ngenkathi inkosana yakwabo okwabe
kunguMadlozi isithuthele kwaZulu lapho yase izitholele khona izwe esizweni
sakwaMthethwa yena wavele wacela uyise ukuba amabele ifa okungelakhe.

uNcube noKhambule, Ubuhlobo buka Ncube noKhambule

Uma sibheka emva lena, abantu bakwa-Ncube bankabayinye nabakwa-Khambule, Mlotshwa, Shezi, kanye nabantu baseziBisini. Ngomlando wakwethu, nansi inqolobane yama-Ncube, funda futhi uyigogose.

At the time of the entry of the Ntungwa-Ngunis into the Vryheid district out of the south-eastern Transvaal, and their subsequent break-up there into numerous clans, there was among them a certain leader named Mlotshwa. From this Mlotshwa family were afterwards derived the small eziBisini, emaNcubeni, and Khambule clans.

The family branch which later formed the eziBisini clan did not migrate far afield. In origin, they were closely related to the Mabaso-Khumalo-Khoza group of the Nondweni district; and, being few in numbers, they allied themselves with the Buthelezi chieftain and occupied a portion of his dominions abutting on the emaMbatheni and ebaThenjini, south of the White uMfolozi. These were they who called themselves

IziBisi zakwa-Buthela, ezi’mlom’ubomvu nabantwana bazo, zakwa-Sikithi seNgi’mpongo yembuzi.

They regard the iziBisi zakwa-Mahlase as an entirely different group. The most important person among them in iNkosi uShaka’s time was one Mtshana. His son, Mnqandi, eighty years later, was among that army of amaqhawe slaughtered by Zibhebhu, son of Maphitha, esigodlweni sase oNdini, ngonyaka ka-1883; and his grandson, Sishishili, was killed after the Bambatha uprising (imfazo yakwaZulu) of 1906.

Besides eziBisini, there was another Mlotshwa party who subjected themselves to the Buthelezi chief, and there grew into the emaNcubeni clan. Omakhelwane banomndeni babanikeza igama “amaZilankatha”, ngoba babenomkhuba wokuzila inkatha. EmaNcubeni, inkatha yabingalahlwa, kodwa yabishiswa besewuthi wonke owasekhaya abesegcoshwa ngomlotha. Kwakuyisiko labakwaNcube. Uzonanzelela ukuthi nanamhlanje izithakazelo zamaNcube zonke ziqala kanjena “…eNkatha…”. Ngokuphelele, njengoba ngilandisile ngaphezulu, kufanele kuthiwe “…eMzilankatha….”. Uma ufuna ngokugcwele izithakazelo zemaNcubeni, nginakho ukukunikeza. Before long, some of abakwaNcube migrated coastwards in search of more congenial settlement sites. There, they subjected themselves to the Mthethwa chief, Jobe [wabusa kusuka ngo-1790 kusiya ngo-1807], and were given a home eduze nendawo abathi namhlanje kuse Dukuduku, near the mouth of St. Lucia Bay. At their head was Zisongo, son of Makhombolo; there was also Magula, son of Ngonyama, of Solamba, of Mdungazwe, of Sidimbane. With time, this section of the family down at the coast became there known as abakwa-Ncube, not as abasema-Ncubeni.

Uma ufisa, ngokulandisela futhi umlando wabantu bakwa-Khambule, abahlobana nabakwa-Ncube, njengoba ngishilo ngaphezulu. Okwamanje, ngizokuma khona lapha.

Abanye babantu bakwa-Ncube kukhanya sengathi bawela uMbengwana neviyo ebelikhokhelwe yinduna uGundwane Ndiweni. KwaMthwakazi, iningi nalomndeni belihleli endaweni okuthiwa eMakhandeni (Fort Rixon), futhi bathathelwa umhlaba ngabelungu emaphethelweni ama-1950’s. Emva kwalesosiga, basabalala; kodwa iningi namhlanje nihleli ezabelweni ezehlukene khona eNkayi. Futhi, uqinisile umfokaKhumalo uma ethi yena iNduna ebidumile yasemaNcubeni kwakunguyena uDakamela. Bheka, nanamhlanje kukhona indawo lena eNkayi abathi kwaDakamela.

Bhedla Clan Praises , Bhedla Surname

Bhedla kaMpulana,
umthana ontsingalalana,
uKhanju kaGomatana,
abantu baseMdumba,

Majeke Clan Names , Iziduko zakoMajeke

Majeke Mthiwembotyi Ndluntsha Nyawozipinki Noqazo Mkabane ndifuna nje undiphe ingcaciso ukuba thina singaMankabane siphuma phi singowowuphi umnombo apha kwaxhosa Enkosi!

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