clan names 💙 clan history 💯


Tag: Mpala

Izangelo zakoMpala 😍 Mpala History

Izangelo zakoMpala 😍 Mpala Clan Praises

EMpala eMzimkhulu eGude kalanga eChachamisela eMlenze yamankazana eMdab’ omnyama !

Mpala Surname Meaning. Mpala Origin. Mpala History:

Mpala Surname Meaning. Mpala Origin. Mpala History:

The meaning, origin and history of the Mpala surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in Zimbabwe.

Itshe lomelele inhlama

Itshe lomelele inhlama

Lesi simo sokukhuluma sisetshenziswa uma kukhulunywa ngokungabibikho kwento noma umuntu……

Kususelwa etsheni lokugaya

Uma ngabe kugaywa itshe lisuke lisebenza lisalele inhlama. Uma itshe lingasasetshenziswa inhlama iyomelela etsheni okusho ukuth akusekho okuyogaywa. Yingakho nomuntu mayethole kungekho bantu athi ngithole itshe lomelele inhlama.

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