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Tag: Sambo

Sambo Clan Names & History

Sambo Clan Praises :
Sambo ! Mlahleki Owalahleka neNkomo Zakhe,
Nkomo zidl’ekhaya ngokuswela abelusi,
Wena Wase Ningizimu,
Mkhomazi : Mkhomazi Omuhle Ogcwala Ngomoya, eminye imifula igcwaliswa zimvula !!

Our historical information narrated by my Dad Johannes Zangeni Sambo. Who pass on in 2013 , my aunt told me that , She knew her when they were still young believe to be born in 1920’s.
My Dad narrated to me that the Sambos were part of the group I but how led by Shoshangane who were sent by King Shaka to invade other nations, The of King Shaka was to create the Strong Nation called The Zulu Nation.
Soshangane and his group manage to keep on moving conquering other nations/ group in their path, until they reach Mozambique that’s where he decided to settle.
They tried to conquer other groups in Mozambique but fail and while finding their back to South Africa , there was a division concerning leadership and that where other group called themselves Mpangane .
Other Sambo migrated back to South Africa spreading around Eastern Transvaal , others moving through Kruger National Park stay around those areas , spreading Tzaneen, Limpopo, North West( called themselves Molahlegi in North West) others moved to many parts of Africa specificly Nigeria.
Others become part of African Men who take to Europe and they become slaves, coincidentally the were given the name Sambo.
I would like to believe that , it was God’s grace that , the Sambo Name was given . This is my believe that we Sambos we are originally from Mkhomazi in KwaZulu-Natal , even today there are Sambo there . Nevertheless Iam glad to be a Citizen of planet Earth.
This my believe and conviction no one can change it and I am black and wonderfully made!

More background history of the Sambo Clan

Izithakazelo zakwa Sambo

Mankani wakubhabeli

Sambo Clan History & Origin, Indzabuko yakwa Sambo

Sambo Surname Background

Mndeni waka Sambo, indzabuko yawo i-KwaZulu-Natal.

There is Sambo Mlahleki, Sambo Mpangane, Sambo Nomlete, Sambo Mankani.

Indzabuko yaka Sambo yinye lesive sidzabuka KwaZulu-Natal, sasuka ngesikhatsi indvuna yelibutfo so Shangaan atfunywe kuyolwa able live lase Mozambique, ngekwendzabuko baka Sambo batilwi batsandza impi.Bahamba na SoShangaan labanye labambalwa basala.

Libutfo la SoShangaan endleleni lancuma kungasa buyeli emuva,Badzabuka phakatsi labanye bangena e Swatini kwatsiwa ngibo Mlahleki,Lachubeka libutfo bangena badla i Mozambique, Bushbakridge, Venda and even part of Zimbabwe.Lebasele e Mozambique bo Sambo Mahhelani mankani yakubaba makhaleni [baka Aloe,inhlaba beba lapha ngayo].

Leba-around Mpumalanga bo Sambo Mpangane,Laba KwaZulu-Natal bo Sambo Nomlete,bonyathela ngezi thende abanye banyathela ngezintwane.

Izithakazelo zakwa Sambo

Sambo mkomati
Mlahleki wakulahleka nihomu asiya dulu ramavele mingizimu vamunyi vatihuhlu. mbulindlela

Izithakazelo zakwa Sambo

Izithakazelo zakwa Sambo

Nomleti kamaDinane
Zonk’izizwe zithi
Mlete nina baka Nyoka
Eyakhwel’ emthini

Nina baka Nyathela
NgeziThende abanye
Banyathela ngezinzwane
Ovika Mkhonto abanye
Bevika ngeziNduku.

Nhlala mathunzini

Mlahleki clan praises




Wena wenyakathfo ,

Wena lowalahlekelwa tinkomo talale tsafeni / ehlatsini ngekudzinga belusi

Sambo clan praises

Sambo/musango/NkomatiSambo wa ku lahleka ni homu, wa Njemavi, wa ka ncukuma hi le ndzhaku, Mulahleki, Musungwana, Xikomu, va yindlu leyikulu ya Mulahleki.

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