Gawula surname info is currently not listed.
If you know Gawula clans or their history and origin, please add the info in the comments below.
Author: Hikatekile Page 1 of 1490
Not that I know much but we fall under the Makholokoe clan
Re Makholokoe
I would like to know n who is Mzongozi , where was he born , who are relatives of him , like his sons, and his parents
Izithakazelo zakwa Nkanini
Nkanini, Khanyile, Luvuno Nina enivuna ebsika abafokazane bevuna selibalele, Mageza ngobisi abanye begeza ngamanzi, Ngwane, JAMA kaSjadu, mawela umfula ugcwele izingwenya ngoba uthi ifela khona enkanini, Linda mkhonto, Mangethe, Nina bakwamatiwane, Omwelase abangawelanga ngaziziba abawela ngezimpambosi zomfula zasodumase. Langa ongenandlebe angaba nayo weza nonina, Shalashala elihle elithi ukuvuma ngokulandula, Mabhuqa, Sogodi, Mashaya umuntu aphindele la asuka khona, madla isinkwa esinothotho!
I want to know about the surname
Iziduko Mfiso, ngonyama. Also were they originate?
Looking for clan names
Kalagobe surname meaning is currently not listed.
“Kelebogile” in Zulu translates to “I am thankful” and is primarily derived from the Tswana language, where “leboga” means “to thank” or “to be thankful.”.
Origin: Though used in Zulu culture, the name originates from Tswana.
Meaning: “I am thankful”
Root word: “leboga” (Tswana) – meaning “to thank”