Mgabhi was changed to Sidu in the 1800’s during the times of Shaka because Mgabhi passed and his second wife took over as queen because there was a young baby boy who was still young so they had to wait for him to grow up…while he was growing up and the second wife was queen the coloniser forced them to be under SIDU(colonisers surname) even when the first ever passport was created they went down as SIDU’s and not MGABHI and now MGABHI wants his people to have his Surname

Even Today the Sidu’s have ubukhosi but its Mgabhi’s, it’s just that its known as ubukhosi bakwaSidu when its supposed to be Ubukhosi bakwaMgabhi even kings after Mgabhi took it as ubukhosi bakwaSidu without knowing its ubukhosi bakwaMgabhi, The Sidu’s are Mgabhi’s, Sidu was the colonisers surname.

by Mkhululi Sidu on this blog