clan names 💛 clan history 💯


Sereto sa ga Sepato

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Age Tlou
Ke Morwa tetedi ya bodiba
Ke Morwa bogata bokasaka
Ke Motho wa bo ditlaro Morwa Ntwagae
Bare Ditlaro o sepela thatha
O sepela ka le mara marana
O sepela ka phefo ya marega
Ke Batho ba ba bowing modimolle wa Mma Ngwato, thaba le baka
Thaba kgolo ke swele tlogo
Kaba ka hloka le segoro
Segoro di belo sa hlole

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  1. MMATHOTO SEPATO: Additional information;
    Mmathoto Sepato was buried at Thabantsho near Groblersdal. Her grand daughter, Mmapatsi Tagane (née Mamyala) is staying in Tafelkop in Groblersdal. Mmapatsi is the daughter of Mmaserole, the first born of Mmathoto Sepato.
    After the death of Mmathoto Sepato in 1923, August Sepato Sepato (our grandfather) married Mmampudi Sepato (née Taiwa) from Ntwane, Dennilton. Four Children were born, 1. Mpotsane Mahlangu ( née Sepato) deceased; 2. Mpei Mabasa (née Sepato) deceased; 3. Mashonkane Piet Sepato deceased; 4. Mantshwane Mahlangu ( née Sepato) born in 1932, still alive, living in Sokhulumi, Bronkhorstspruit.
    Surviving great and grandchildren of Mampodi Sepato are settled in Sokhulumi, Zithobeni, Kwaggafontein.

  2. Monaswi Isaac Sepato

    Mmathoto Sepato is my grandmother. She passed away in 1923. She had 3 children: Mmaserole Sepato, Thomas Mphenngwa Sepato (my father born in 1919 and died in 2005) and Sello Sepato , who passed on in 1982.

    August Sepato Sepato, my grandfather was married to Mmathoto Sepato. He passed away in 1969. Thomas Mphenngwa Sepato is our father, who is survived by his 3 sons and 3 daughters and many grand and great grand children.

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