clan names 💛 clan history 💯


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Dube elimthende

Nzwakele, Khutshwayo

Maqhama, Lushozi

Mbuyazi akethekeli kubafokazana

Silwane esihle

Mageza ngobisi abanye begeza ngodaka!

Dube elimthende

Wena kaMligwe

Wena kaMbonjane

Wena kaBatshwayi

Wena ongethekeli nakwandodakazi

Uzwakele ndoda

Ongathekel’ emzinemikhulu

Ongathekeli komakhelwane

Othekel’ emanxulumeni

Nina bakwaDonda kwaMbangambi

Ndlovu khaliph’ ezinye zilibele

Nina bakwaNzwakele kaKhushu

Nina beshumi lamhlomunye

Nina bakaMagwaz’ ebuyelela

Nina beqhawe lakwaLind’ ukudla Shozi

KaFani kaNomkhayiba

Ka Fana fuzanamafu


Ntamo ngeyendlondlo

kaSiphabantu ngobubahlubulela

Ngenze ngonyama entanyeni

Ngoba yehle kanzima kanzinzimela

Mgwezi wamaduna namathokazi

Nomkhwayiba waseKunene

Silwane kaNjila kaNgothoma




Qhudeni Mvelase

Owave’ eNyandeni yemikhonto yakwaMabaso

Mvelase kaGuda

Ongawadl’ amathibani

Mnisi wemvula ilanga libalele

Ngoz’ ovel’ eNyandeni

Ngoza kaMkhubukeli kaGazi

Nina baseMlamlankunzi


Ndubane Clan Names :
Emndeni emandubaneni koMagida,

John Langalibalele Dube

John Langalibalele Dube born on 11 February 1871 was a South African essayist, philosopher, educator, politician, publisher, editor, novelist and poet. He was the founding president of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), which became the African National Congress in 1923. He was an uncle to Dr Pixley ka isaka Seme with whom they founded SANNC along. Dube served as the president of SANNC between 1912 and 1917. He was brought to America by returning missionaries and attended Oberlin Preparatory Academy. He returned to South Africa, where in 1903 he and his first wife, Nokutela Dube, founded a newspaper, what is now Ilanga lase Natal.

In 1901 he founded the Ohlange High School based on the Tuskegee Institue founded by Booker T Washington. He also wanted black people to go into business, so in 1903 he founded the isiZulu newspaper Ilanga. In 1930, John Dube published “Shaka’s Body Servant.” He also wrote about the lives of Zulu rulers, including King Dinizulu.

He was a conservative politician. His ANC was not a militant party of the 1960s, but he never lost sight of two things: human rights, and the need for Africans to stand together. That was the message John Langalibalele Dube was preaching until he died in 1946.

Lucky Philip Dube 😍 AbakwaDube abavelele

Lucky Philip Dube was a South African reggae musician and Rastafarian. He recorded 22 albums in Zulu, English, and Afrikaans in a 25-year period and was South Africa’s biggest-selling reggae artist. Dube was murdered in the Johannesburg suburb of Rosettenville on the evening of 18 October 2007.

Dube ® clan names. Dube Surname Meaning 😍 Dube Origin. Dube History

Dube ® clan names. Dube Surname Meaning 😍 Dube Origin. Dube History
The meaning, origin and history of the Dube surname is not listed.

This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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Dube Clan History, Umlando, Meaning & Origin

Dube Clan History, Umlando, Meaning & Origin
The meaning, origin and history of Dube surname is not yet listed.

This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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Dube Surname Meaning

Dube Surname Meaning: The surname Dube means ‘zebra’ in isiNdebele in Zimbabwe. The surname is also widely found in South Africa. In Zimbabwe the surname is borne by the kalanga clan.

Sinanatelo saka Dube

Lowasibekela Ngwane ngelutfuli
Nyamatane lengadliwa

Sinanatelo saka Dube/Dvube





Masibekela wena owasibekela, inkhosi ngothuli

Kwasuka Dludlu, Kwahlala Nkalakhata

Nyamatane lengadliwa

Awucedvwa Nyamatane

Izithakazelo zakwa Dube Nzwakele Clan Names

Dube nzwakele, khushwayo, maqhama ehlezi, slwane esihle , dube Elimthende, lushozi,mbuyazi othekela kubafokazana!

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