clan names 💛 clan history 💯


Month: October 2021 Page 8 of 12

Batsoeneng Clan History & Meaning

Bats’oeneng clan meaning:

Motsoeneng means “a diamond of God”.

Brief history:

Bats’oeneng are the descendants of Bakoena. They venerate the monkey. This is largely based on the circumstances of how Mots’oene conceived. As the story goes, Mots’oene’s mother, who was a barren, was helped to conceive by using herbal medicine abd being in physical contact with the body or skin of a monkey.

i) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba, leleme le lets’o, le lets’o joalo ke ho koma litlhare! Ngoana ‘Makhiba kokosa srthunya, Motho oa ‘Mashooa!
ii) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba, leleme le lets’o, le lets’o joalo ke ho koma litlhare! Ahlama, mantsoe a Mantsimane, ahlama ka hanong, re bone, re bone moo u jellang litho tsa batho!
Motho oa ‘Mashooa
iii) Leme le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare. Molula-qhooa oa ma-Tsimane motho oa Khamali
iv) Mots’oeneng oa ma-Tlapa-le-halime! Le halima ke ho sheba thabeng. Ts’oene e rita thabeng, tlapa le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare.
v) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba le khamali leleme le lets’o ke eng? Leme le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare.

Sedibe Clan Names

A surname or last name is a hereditary name common to all members of a family, as distinct from a forename or given name.

A clan name is not necessarily a surname and serves a different purpose to that of a surname.

Sedibe Clan Names :

Baga Sedibe Ke Mapulana Ba bina Tau Ke Bo KAILE!

More Sedibe Clan Names :

SEDIBE Re bo Kail’a kobje wa mathesa leetse Phuthi ya matshela ngwale a letše, Ya photha ya tshela modyetla, Modyetla wa letswele thangwa. Re batho ba go bowa Lekokoto lentsweng. Ke lentswe kgolo la moledi wa Phoku. Moo ba re go kgomo le motho go phalang. Go phala motho ba sa jeng, Kgomo re llela teng, Re lla re eja.

Khathwayo Clan Praises

Maphek’ imbuti neboya kute nitokwenela,
Maphula mphini welikhuba ngekusaba kulima(ngebuvila)
Wena longadli lubisi lwenkomo lodla lwendlovu,
Mzingili Mndindindi waka lomahasha!

Nhlengethwa Clan Names & History

Izithakazelo zakwa Nhlengethwa®

•Luvuno ka Langa
•Siphepho sabesuthu
•Mahlasela ngothando abanye behlasela ngezikhali !
•Nkomonye wena onenkomo eyodwa uma sezimbili okusho ukuthi enye wayeba khaya lo nyoko.



Izithakazelo zakwa Mathabela Clan Names

Mathabela !
Mthembu kaSodiza
Wena Kayimayimayikazi
Mdungandaba wamabandla
Wena Ntabezimahwanqa, ezingadliwa nkomo ezidliwa ngama phiva nama shongololo Wena Kathole gqabula amanye ekhulekiwe
Wena gqiza nganhlanye abanye begqiz’ izindawozonke
Nongoda, owagojela amadoda eNcome
Wena kaNomageja enyakeni
Wena weBhuqe elimnyama LikaNomageja
Nina benyon’ edlemathunzini esandlwane
Nina bejuba lenja emangongo emawelawela
Nina baka Hululu owehla ngesilulu engweni
Nina bakaLukhozi, noMagatsha benoShikashika kaNongoda

Mabena Clan Praises & History

Izithakazelo zakwa Mabena

The beginning:

Mabena Mbuduma, isgwegwe sako Bingweni, ngumasokasokile, Thatha nasi komo ka nqaku, nomzibakhe, mfazomabelemade owamunyisa umndwana ngaphetjheya kwegwa neli gwana, zembe lika…….(father’s name) no…….(mother’s name)

That’s how far I know it and that’s the original beginning of it. My grandma was from the kingdom of the Mabenas. They were from kwamanala. My grandmas vrotger is still alive though and he is now 86 years old.

Mathabela Clan Names

Izithakazelo zakwa Mathabela
Mthembu kaSodiza
Wena Kayimayimayikazi
Mdungandaba wamabandla
Wena Ntabezimahwanqa, ezingadliwa nkomo ezidliwa nama phiva nama shongololo Wena Kathole gqabula amanye ekhulekiwe
Wena gqiza nganhlanye abanye begqiz’ izindawozonke
Nongoda, owagojela amadoda eNcome
Wena kaNomageja enyakeni
Wena weBhuqe elimnyama LikaNomageja
Nina benyon’ edlemathunzini esandlwane
Nina bejuba lenja emangongo emawelawela
Nina baka Hululu owehla ngesilulu engweni
Nina bakaLukhozi, noMagatsha benoShikashika kaNongoda

Rantao Clan Praises 😍 Rantao surname

Sereto sa Rantao


Ntao wa mare a majaga a Matebele

Morwa kobo ya Tau

O go tilweng kgomo e lla e okometse Lepele

E lla e okame BitsweE lla e potile Tswenyane morago

Badisa le  e Bokolotseng

Lo e Bokolotseng

Lo be lo e gogeng ka Melodi banna Ngwana wa ga le masa-masa wa moloi

O re bolelela a Matebe o aka

O re pitse di fula kwa Tlhabelang

Ngwana wa ga leropolotso le le Maoto a mane

Le Maoto matlhano le a  tabogaKa le sale le   tlhola le faloutsa  lotsatsa

Le duma jaaka ntshwe wa motsetsi le rekana felo fa go swetseng rremogolo-golwaneke ago itse

Go Matubako

Go Maoto a batho.

Ebile go Makgolela a Marumo o motho!


Yo go tweng motho montsho mongaparela batho

O ne a betsa motho ka letswele a feta

A bowa a betsa o mongwe ka letswele a feta

Batho ba gagwe ba sala ba sule ba ntse dikgora

Ba sala ba sule ba ntse dithotho

Ba sala ba sule ba ntse dikgogora botlhe

Noga e ntsho ya bo  MmaMarenyane

E ntse e itoga semelemethe

E itoga semelemethe le maje a Botlo we etswa kwa mosimeng e ise etswe yotlhe

Basadi bale ba -a-Rantao ba kae

Bo Seaomeng le Maitato

Ba kae ba sa tle go mpokisa Tshwene

Ba bona tshwene e galefile Matlho a yona a talafetse

A talafetse o ka re bolele jwa noka ya kolone!

Morongwe Clan Praises , Moringwe surname

Sereto sa Morongwe


Bo Morongwe ke Batlharo ka Setswana(Batshweneng sesothong)

Leboko la bone

Ke Mmamogatiti wa lewaTshwene ke naiwa mmele

Makopong ga ke naiweKe tshirelediwa ke seribaTshwene fa di ya masimong

Go eta tshwenegadi peleRotwe a sa kwa morao

A sale a diretolola

Ke ne ke fudile ka tlatsaKa gupiwa

Ka relela ka wa Papalo tsa ya le maritse

Ma tlapa esho a borethe

E na ke tshwenwe ya ga Malope -a- Masiloya ga Sebogodi -a- menwe a Moilwa

Ke Ngwana ntswe la Tshwenyane !

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