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Tag: Ncongwane

Ncongwane Clan Names

Mvila wetinkhomo
Nkwakhwa lebovu
Nine bomakhonz’ abuy’ agoduke,
Nine besitfombe legible
Nine leningenalulaka nemuntfu
Nine lenidl’emafini njengelusoti
Nine bakaLuhleko
Ha ha ha ha
(Like all clans there will be a variation here and there…but Mvila, Nkwakhwa, Nyezi, Macedza are always mentioned)
As for origin, it depends. Others were among those who were sent by Shaka along with Soshangane. Mvila established the Gaza Kingdom. Somenrivers were named after them. Nyezi river around Eshowe. Nyezi places in Eswatini. Nkwakhwa river around Mozambique and RSA. Nkwakhwa lebovu is actually the same Majola snake among the Xhosas. It is believed some of the Ncongwanes went to war against the Xhosas and never came back. But well-received history shows that the Ncongwane people came from around Mkhingoma Mountain where they killed mermaid. They migrated towards Carolina a few towards Barberton. They spread further to around Springs, Sanderson, Verde to Free State. Prof SD Ngcongwane passed on in 1989, before we could confirm with him some of these historical facts. He was coming from those who settled in the Free State. It is also argued that he was very instrumental in the collection of the Southern Sotho Difela tsa Sione.

Itinanatelo taka Ncongwane? Ncongwane Clan Names

Itinanatelo taka Ncongwane, Ncongwane Clan Names
Ncongwane: Mvila Ndzimandze Nkhwakha lebomvu

Nkulumo tiyamlandzela ngob’ atimnamatseli kube tiyamnatsela ngabe akasabonakali

Ngumasoma intfombi lenhle kukhale sonke Sive sakaNgwane sibutane kutsi wentani uMvila ?

Kuvakale sekuphendvula indvuna yeSive itsi “tintfombi atimcomi ngoba timvela kepha timcoma ngoba timtsandza”

Ichudze likhal’ emin’ amany’ ekhal’ eyintatsakusa

Sendze kalingeni lingena ngokucindzetelwa

Izithakazelo zakwa Ncongwane, Ncongwane Clan Names

Ncongwane Clan Praises , if anyone know Ncongwane clan names or their history, please add them to this blog using this link


Amen bekunene-ngithanda ukwazi ngevelaphi yami ngiyingane yakancongwane

Akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa

Akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa

Incazelo: ukuthi wenzakalelwe yinto embi akusho ukuthi lahla ithemba.

Umsuka: imbeleko eyokubeletha umntwana, uma ngabe usufelwe abantwana akusho ukuth lahla leyo mbeleko ngoba usengabathola abanye abantwana

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