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Tag: Makhubu

Mbuyisa Makhubu

Mbuyisa Makhubu (born 1957 or 1958) is a South African anti-Apartheid activist who disappeared in 1979. He was seen carrying Hector Pieterson in a photograph taken by Sam Nzima after Pieterson was shot during the Soweto Uprising in 1976.Despite the photograph’s endurance, little is known about Makhubu.

June 1976 Hector Petersen. Photograph by Sam Nzima/South Photographs.

After the photograph was released, Makhubu was harassed by the security services, and was forced to flee South Africa. His mother, Nombulelo Makhubu, told the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that she received a letter from him from Nigeria in 1978, but that she had not heard from him since. She died in 2004, seemingly without knowledge of what had happened to her son. Mbuyisa was one of a number of South African activists given refuge in Nigeria immediately following the Soweto incident. He was one of three who were settled in a boarding high school in South-Western Nigeria – Federal Government College, during the 1976-1977 academic year. But all failed to settle, and had moved on within the year.

In 2013, claims emerged that a man, Victor Vinnetou, imprisoned in Canada for the previous eight years on immigration charges was Makhubu. Genetic tests were conducted to determine whether he was indeed Mbuyisa Makhubo. It was later reported that the DNA tests did not substantiate the man’s claim to be Makhubu, to the disappointment of Makhubu’s family,though the DNA test was reported to have been done on a family member without blood relations to both parents.

As of 2020, his whereabouts still remain unknown. The same year, a four-episode documentary titled Through The Cracks, which was released on 44th anniversary of the uprising on June 16, 2020, provided some previously untold details about Makhubu’s life. It was also reported that a heritage plaque commemorating Makhubu would be installed on June 16, 2020 as well.

Izithakazelo zikaMakhubu

Makhubu Clan Names
Makholo lamakhulu !

Izithakazelo zakwa MakhubuMakhubu Clans

Makhubu Clan Names 😍 Izithakazelo Makhubu
Galakhotha..stolo skamnyasi

Izithakazelo zakwa Makhubu

Makhubu Clan Praises 😍 Sinanatelo sakaMakhubu

  • kota, mbuyisa, mwelase, wena lonabongelwa phandle kodvw’ ebongelw’ endlini!
  • mzingeli wetinyamatane, makholo lamahle adilita umhlanga ongcengcemeni kudungane tonke ziba!
  • kholo lonsundvu, netinyawo takhe, mbilandvuna ohlala endleleni etsembe tibhakela takhe! 
  • otse wabona msutfu lomhlophe, wafikela eveni lakhona, walwa netinkunzi takhona. kwatsiwa: “nkunzi bayesabana namakhubo, kantsi yena ubevisa izitha netibongo takwa makhubu! 
  • wena wemabonga nemabongatane! 
  • shobane! wena lomudze naselangeni!
  • buhle’beve! 

Umlando wakwa Khuzwayo 😍 Ubukhosi bakwaKhuzwayo

Khuzwayo origin 😍 Khuzwayo surname

Nakhu engikwaziyo ngomlando nobukhosi bakwaKhuzwayo engingenaso isiqiniseko kangako ukuthi:

ymfana wakwaGumede ogama lakhe nguNyongwana wathandana nentombi yasebukhosini bakwaQwabe uNombedu eMthandeni, wabe esekhuzwa ngalesisenzo ngoba isibongo sakwaGumede siphuma kwesakwaQwabe ngakho-ke bayizihlobo.

Abafowabo ababengazi ngalesisenzo bakhuza emva kwendaba, kanti umonakalo sewenzekile, usekhulelwe uNombedu.

Sagcina sibikiwe isisu kwaGumede ukulandela isiko lesintu, izindaba zithe uma zifika enkosini yakwaQwabe mayelana nokukhuleliswa kwendondakazi yayo ikhuleliswa kwaGumede azangehla kahle, yabiza umhlangano wamaQwabe wonkana kukhona nabakwaGumede.

Kwakulusiko kwaZulu ukuthi intombazane mayisikhulelwe kufanele umfana ayithathe ibe ngumkakhe, inkosi yanquma ukuqeda ubuhlobo phakathi kwabakwaQwabe nabakwaGumede, abakwaGumede bayiphikisa inkosi bathi umfana akathunywanga yibo, futhi bona bamkhuza ngalesisenzo kodwa akangalalela.

AbakwaGumede banquma ukuzehlukanisa nalomfana, bamkhipha emndenini wabo, basebethi usenguKhuzwayo ngoba wakhuzwa, akakhe owakhe umndeni wakwaKhuzwayo.

Inkosi yakwaQwabe yabona usizi indodakazi yayo ezobhekana nalo, ishada nomuntu ongenamndeni, yasika ingxenye yendawo,yakaQwabe, yayinika indodakazi yayo uNombedu, wabe esegana yena uKhuzwayo, uNombedu waba yinkosi yokuqala yamaMbedu, kwaKhuzwayo. Ngicela ukulungiswa uma kukhona iphutha kulomlando.

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