clan names πŸ’› clan history πŸ’―


Month: February 2019

Umlandi wabakwa Hlatshwayo 😍 Hlatshwayo clan

The Hlatshwayo can also be written as Hlatshwa or HalaTshwa – indicating the meeting of 2 tribes. The Tshwa is the Tswa tribe of the Tsonga (Tsonga actually means Tswa+Ronga (pronounced Dzonga). The other tribe that forms part of the name is the Hala – AmaHala or AmaHla or AmaDla are part of the Makua or Makwa clan that came from a Sibiya lady and your common ancestor, Chaluba or Qelebe or Calubi or Caleb, the son of Mzolo/Mtolo/Zulu or Ezlon/Hesron, who is the son of Judah and a twin (with Zela/Zera/Zila/Zorka/Zonga or Dzonga, son of Judah), the sons of . Makwa also has another clan where his wife was Naara or Naala or Nwala – this gave rise to the name Vanwa’nathi – the second part I suspect because they mixed with Mntungwa or Maonathi or the Velanathi priests or Amalevu – not sure yet. The Sibiya do have a praise line that says “iNkomo esengelw’ emaweni (maoeni), yasengelwa esibayeni, akusiyona eyakhona.”
Tswa comes form the older brother of Mzolo/Zulu/Msolo/Msolwa/Mtolo, called Sela or Sera or Silo or Shilo or Shela or Shera. You might know them as Gasela or Ga-Sera which are the people we call AbaTwa (Central Africa) or AbaThwa (Southern Africa). There are lots more ways this surname is written such as Shilo, Mashilo, Mashiloane etc. Shilo’s mother was called Aaliyah, daughter of Sue or Swa or Shewa or Shuwa, the Canaanite or Umncanana). The Twas came down from Mozambique and occupied KZN as the Mthethwa clans and their associated Xhosa, Sotho and Tsonga Tswa tribes.
USibiya is actually quite a big clan for us Bantus. The women of Sibiya have kept us going for quite a while as the daughters of Sibiya have intermarried to produce a lot of families. The line goes like this. Abraham, begat, Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob/Israel/Isahel/Isahle, Israel begat Judah/Dumisa, who begat, Hesron/Ezron or Hesoron or Hezoron or Hetolon or Hezulun = Zulu, who begat Caleb/Chalubai or Celebe or Calubi, who married Abia or Sibiya or Mabiya to produce Thecua or Thekwa (Makua) who then marries Naara on one side and has issue and then marries Halaa on the other side and gives birth to sons: Sereth/Seleth – mSelethi/Sereti, Isaar (so you have HalaBisaar or Hlabisa (Mgabhi and Mugabe also come from here as Mga Bisaya) and Ethnan or Hala + Ethnan = Hlathi which can be written as Khathi.
In Africa, the Twa are part of the Swa people who then make up one third of the Mbuti or Phuthi setup. The other part are Efe and Asua or Asuati. These are tribes in Central Africa. Just google it. On the other hand, the Makua are all over Africa and the world as they were the most-traded slaves in Southern Africa. Most South Africans of this group are released slaves of the 1600s to 1900s AD. Some were some of the 65,000 slaves that were brought to cape Town by the Dutch and British, often from other places assuming that they did not come from here. Some came from India, people of dark-skin and some of mixed race who claim to be indian or coloured or white today. The Phuthi fall under the Tlokwa or Hlongwa hold with strong routes in Zululand, North West (Zulus calling themselves Tswanas) and Mozambique.
The Makua/Makwa are also part of the Mijikenda (a social-military-political arrangement in Kenya-Tanzania where we have a lot of tribes that have our history in better quality) which consists of nine clans made up of the: 1. Makua – who Mjikenda claim have Mozambican 1400s AD origin. 2. Diko (or Dingo as in the Mandingos – the historians say they only exist in West Africa, wrong – The Bhaca in particular claim this line and they also claim they come from Ntombela KaZulu. 3. Kamba – hidden treasures of Africa. Widely known as Bhayi (the tribe of PE), Mamba (Mkhize and Mbulazi Tungwa clan), Mbai (Zim), Nyai (Zim and Moz), Pai (Pedi and Zim), Mumbai (as Kadamba and the remnant tribes) – a city in india – it gives you the clearest detail of the hidden nature of who we are – India is about half black or mixed with negroes like myself the ones that came here are just white people that have mixed with us and then just mixed with themselves. If they mix with white people only, they will eventually turn white again over 2-3 generations. No one is telling us, WHY? These 3 make up a lot of the tribes in South Africa, regardless of language. Language in fact is inconsequential. If we had to ignore language and looked at facts. Blacks in South Africa would claim that close to 90% are Zulu or Israelites (if they knew the info).Β 
To verify my details, use the Douay Rheims catholic Bible and read chronicles from start to finish and make notes. Also read up on tribes from other countries and compare to our praise names. You can just google them. But be sensible and use intra-Bantu language rules. For instance, Mpemba = Bemba = Kamba = Kadamba and then go in and verify this and move on.
The last thing is that Mtolo gave birth to Chaluba who gave birth to Hur (Chaluba had 6 wives and a lot of children – it’s all in the Bible). Hur in South Africa is called Hulu or Hulubi or Hlubi or Hurutse-Khuluse or simply Khulu or Ngulu or Kuru as in Kurumane, who was Mzilikazi’s son. In the rest of Africa he was called Kru or Kuyu as in Gikuyu (a Kenyan tribe that has the same surnames, customs and are carbon copies of us and us them – especially the Sothos but they do not claim to be Sothos- it is prudent to note that some in Kenya and neighboring Uganda-Burundi-Rwanda do claim to be Huthu which = Suthu. Before the break-up, to cut a VERY long story short, the Hlubi used to travel or have politically governing association with the Sela-Sua and the Zonga-Asua or ASwati and they were called by Sela’s first born’s name HerHer or Helehele or Ngelengele. Her means merciful and gracious, referring to God. This is seen in my name Siphesihle or Siphesihele (you’ll find Siph or Sipha or Zepho – meaning gift, to be a Biblical name) in its original form. But Hele is also written as Tele or Tle or even Tre, Ger or Gele or Ngelengele or Gere or Jere or Here etc. – this is why Gere is a big surname with Bantu and it means the opposite of Jail. In SA you see it as the showing of one of the largest black polity – the Mmutle Koena or the Mvundla(ne) Sotho-Zulu clan. Let’s also not lose that Satle or Sahel also means Israel which means: “You have contended with man and you have contended with Angel, therefore God has been gracious and merciful to you.” The false Hebrews who write about it now, do not understand the last part. If you read about how they interpret the Bible, you will find out how much guess-work is involved. I find that I can understand some sections better because I understand Nguni and Zulu. Jacob had wrestled all night with an Angel and indeed anyone who can even talk to an Angel has God’s grace and mercy. He wrestled the Angel THE WHOLE NIGHT!
Ihubo lakwa Hlatshwayo: β€œWabulala amakhosi, ingwe yohlanga Mana nkonyane yohlanga, Ungwanya bamazi izwe lonke, izwe lonke Nkonyane yamaNgwanya, bayethuka Soka siwashise amankengane, sicwecwa izizwe”

Izithakazelo zakwa Ngwenya 😍 Ngwenya clan

Izithakazelo zakwa Ngwenya 😍 Ngwenya clan



zingambili zobe zifuz`ekhaya konyoko


bengasabuyi baye babuya emaNgwaneni



bayosala beziyolanisa

wakhangel`emnzini wakhangel`enyakatho

Mabhodl`amanzi abantukazana bebhodla utshwala

Vus`umuzi ngokuvus`umadonsela

oqhamuk`esedonse ukunene no gamadze


Izithakazelo zakwa Thango 😍 Thango clan

Izithakazelo zakwa Thango 😍 Thango clan


Wena wabhuquza emqubeni cabanga ukuthi bazokwelekelela,

Izithakazelo zakwa Gwala 😍 Isinanatelo sakwa Gwala

Izithakazelo zakwa Gwala 😍 Isinanatelo sakwa Gwala

Nyawotimhlophe ngokunyatsela itihlabathi tolwandle,
Myeka khamangwa,
Majiya Ngwekazi Nkondlwana,
Mdlovu omatubutubu,
Umhlwehlwe odume njengoZulu,
Mancama ngenhlunu.
Matshinga waseMaphephetheni,
Sihlase Binda,
Wena kaGama,
Mantshinga waseMaphephetheni,
Owagwaz’ ate ame ngeklwa,
UNgwevu noNgwavuma,
Nina baseNgwedze neNgwavuma,
Owadl’ umkadadewabo,
Watsi akananyongo,
Watsi akanamehlo,
Umhlehlo sibhanhakazane,
Malinga khilu hohlo,
Bamchatha ngohlanga betsi akafe,
Kantsi lapho engasayukufa impela baze banqoba!
Gcuma omuhle espongo,
Gcuma omuhle emehlweni,
Gcuma omuhle nangaphasi konyawo

Imvelaphi yabantu bakwa Mpontshane 😍 Umlando wesibongo sakwa Mpontshane

Imvelaphi ngesibongo sakwaMpontshane – emandulo 
Imvelaphi yabantu bakwa Mpontshane 😍 Umlando wesibongo sakwa Mpontshane

kwakunenkolelo yokuthi uma inkosi esuka ibusa ngalesosikhathi iba nenyanga yayo noma futhi uma ikhothama nenyanga yayo leyo iya kwagoqanyawo, ngoba yayivamise ukuba uhlupho emphakathini ngoba yayingumuntu osondelene kakhulu nenkosi,yayazi izitha zenkosi kanye nezinyathelo ezizothathwa inkosi. ngakho-ke inkosi uShaka yiyo nenyanga yayo eyayibizwa ngo Jeqe Buthelezi

UJeqe Buthelezi wayesondelene kakhulu noZulu. Emveni kokudlula kwenkosi uShaka emhlabeni, inkosi eyalandela lapho uDingane,wahlela ukwakha utulo lokuyisa uJeqe kwagoqanyawo, Nokho elingaphumelelanga ngenxa yokufadalala kwamacebo kaDingane. Ngenkathi uJeqe esezwile ukuthi inkosi ikhothamile wabutha okungamasakana akhe ebusuku wathi nyawo zami ngibelethe, ngoba wayazi ukuthi uma epholisa amaseko bazomvimbezela bangene ngendluvu iyangena emzini kaShaka. Hhayi-ke wakhala wemuka umfoka Shenge enqamula amahlathi namahlathikazi,imifula nemifudlana. Waze wafika kamhlaba uyalingana, ngapha emuva uDingane wafika namabutho akhe elawini lika Jeqe itshe selome inhlama. Uma efika kamhlaba uyalingana azithele phezu kwamadoda endowo, embuze athi “wahamba umpontsha, ufohla lapha emahlathini nje mfokazana ulibamgisephi?”

Wabe esebazekela lonke udaba olwalumumpontshisa ezikhaleni nasemahlathini. Lamadoda endawo amzwela amnika indawo yokulala, badingida udaba lwakhe olwalusezithebeni base bephuma nesu lokumfihla.

“Lalela lapha-ke mfoka Shenge, ngoba usuzibikile, thina dingabantu abalungile ngakho ke sithe uma sibhunga ngodaba lwakho sabona ukuthi uzoba usizo emphakathini wethu njengoba unomlando omuhle wokuba inyanga yenkosi yethu uShaka” kusho indoda.

“Njengoba bengandile abantu bakwaButhelezi kulendawo sibona kungakuhle ukuthi ushintshe isibongo ozibiza ngaso okweskhashana kuze kudlule ukuthungathwa kwakho, njengoba wazi nawe mfoka Shenge ukuthi izibongo ziqanjwa ngenxa yezenzo Zomuntu nawe sibone kungaba isu elingcono lokuthi sikubize ngoMpontshane ngenxa yokuthi ubuhamba uMpontshampontsha izwe lonke leli”

Izithakazelo zakwa Mdluli 😍 Mdluli clan

Wena wabhekis’ inkhos’ elusaseni
Luvuno alunanhloni
BakaMdluli abayidli inyama yembuti
Badla yenkonkoni
Phika sinamandla
Mlimi wansindze
Bantfu balim’ emafus’ aboGembe

Nselo lenkhulu
Luvuno lolungenamahloni
BakaMdluli abayidli inyama yembuti
Badla yenkonkoni

Wena Delila, tinkhomo
Watsenga emajaha

Mkholo lonsundvu
Lonsundvu ngisho netinyawo takho
Mbokodvo lenhle legaya bulawu bemakhosi

Mbokodvo lendze
Lesilala bulawu bemakhosi
Mhlanti wendlunkhulu

izithakazelo zakwa Gwantsela Clan Names

Mna ndingu Mpempe uNala uzalwanguMpembe kwasoTshangane ze uNala waya kwaZulu wazala uNkomba,uThabethe kunye noNzima kwintombi yaseMtshezi uMasithole kemna ndingu mpembe nala nomqguma ndokose nojakadela nkomo ezimhlophe ziyala ukulandela ndikumhlaba wakwaBomvana ngoku

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