meaning of names 💛 clan names 💯 history


Nzama, Mdunge, Maphumulo


  • Chamane,
  • Wosiyane,
  • Mashiza,
  • Vakela,
  • Chule,
  • Phalada,
  • Gcugcwa,
  • Chube,
  • Nombhoco,
  • Zukula,
  • Lukhele,
  • Ncameni..


  • Chili,
  • Chiliza,
  • Mthuli,
  • Mcwashi,
  • Bhebheza,
  • Somyiyane,
  • Ngwenya,
  • Gasela,
  • Mzwezwe!


  • Dumisa,
  • Duma,
  • Manembe,
  • Mashimane,
  • Doncane,
  • Zikode,
  • Zukuzela,
  • Dubandlela,
  • Mgobode,
  • Masiyane,
  • Cwalile,
  • Mashiyane


Chonco, Dludla, Dludlu, Ngema


Ndwandwe, Nxumalo


  1. Stanley Zamokwakhe Maphumulo

    Bengicela izithakazelo zaka Maphumulo nokwazi ukuthi uMaphumulo uyahlangana yini no Zulu. My contact number 0839797422.

  2. jabulanimadunge mdunge

    asibonge nge page; otherwise ofuna umlando,izithakazelo konke kwasemadungeni yimi usomlando angangithinta ku 0833698828 or 0737011641

  3. I am Msizi Magubane and if I check Izithakazelo for Magubane I don’t find it so I want to know how can I get it there so that Magubane people will find it.

  4. I’m in love with Amadunge soooooo I just like to know better about them:p Lv u Gasela wami

  5. Ngicela owaz umndeni wakwa Chiliza ubaba Wak nguBongolwethu Chiliza portshepstone

  6. zweli Mdunge

    ngicela umlando wasemadungeni

  7. thokozile

    bengisacela bandla owazi o chiliza base xopo(xobho) nginenkinga ngidinga ubaba wami owakwachiliza angimazi kuthiwa use xopo wangibiza NGO ntombizonke

  8. sbusie

    bengicela ukwaz kahle ngomlando wakwaluthuli owaziyo

    • thokozile

      ngithumelele ngobaba wami wakwa chiliza Ku Facebook ntokozo tk kule number 0798962736 plz plz

  9. xoliswa

    aibo uDuma uhlobone kanjan nomaphumulo, okunye bengisa cela ozaziyo izithakazelo zakwaMaphumulo angithumelele kwi email address yam http://[email protected]

  10. Zweli

    Ngcel ukwaziswa ngezthakazelo eziphelele zakwa Chiliza, mdunge

    • sneh

      Cela Nam ukwaz ngizithakazelo zako chiliza mdunge ziphelele

    • Chiliza, Mdunge, Ngubonduna, Mashabalala, Bhoyiya kaMdzakudza, Msun’osengwayo njengenkomo. Mdunge owadunga amanzi ngaphezulu abafokazane baphuza ngezansi. Sodladla ongadlimuntu odla imhlambi yamadoda. Amaland’amahlophe, Thumbela, wena owakhomba ilanga lasithela! hlunu lehlophe lityala amakhosi. Wena owehlangoMzungulu wasala wabola. Izi
      bongo ezivela kithi: Mvubu, Mbambo, Ndwalane, Sibukwane.

  11. Nolly

    I like this page if theirs any one who can halp me with Chiliza history also with Chiliza clan I like to know my root more pls pls pls pls

    • Siyanda chiliza

      Ngyakbongela Molly ukuth uthatha lesosnqumo ochiliza amadunge amabhaca..okuyiwona wodwa alwisana nenkosi ushaka ngalesenzo aphoqeleka ukuthi abalekele emampondweni (abathembu) abanye bazinikela kushaka….abanye balwa….yingakho nje namhlanje ochiliza baphethe koHighflats,umzimkhulu…..inkosi yakhona uchiliza…nam angikho ngcono that’s basically all I know but nje we at one point occupied land from the border of mpumalanga, our language(isibhaca) is a mixture of isizulu isixhosa isiswati but as I said due to us not surrendering to the Zulu king we were forced to go down south which is were mostly today you’ll find omdunge, ochiliza the areas around the border of eastern cape and kzn

      • ntuthukozwane

        AmaBhaca amaHlubi akaKheswa or Mgozane or Mgwezane = Nzuza or Zizwane clan who are Zizi from the name above and also Swazi. KwaZwane nibizwa ngamaNdiweni. Nigcwele eZimbabwe nase North West ngase Rustenberg.

        AmaBhaca agcwele iKZN yonkana where they call themselves by their unit. Just because you call yourselves amaBhaca does not mean the rest of us are not.

        This is the problem with Africa. We are all the same tribe. The different names were for us to differentiate between each other. For instance, eHlobane a Vryheid where the Zwanes are not as being based – amaBhaca were based during King Shaka’s time bengabaQulusi. Qulusi = Khuluse = Ngcolosi (Bhengu = Bhelu = Bhele = ancestor who bore Mbambo who bore Zwane, who bore Mungwe, Mdolomba/Cebekhulu and Ndiweni = ePhuthini) = Bakolong = Barolong = Bhebhe oMhlongo – abangabakwaZungu, abangoZubane not Azuba or Tibane noTubane noma oNtombela – indlu enkulu yakwaNtombela uZwane/uZwana. OZwane bona baphuma endlini yakwaSibiya le esiyibiza ngamaHlubi. Uma ufunda umlando wamaNdebele, we basically all AmaNdebele or AmaLeThuli or AmaLuthuli. We are also all Ndlovu or Tlou (ebeSuthwini abangaHlubi) or Njobvu (Kenya – iphuma koKenya so if you want to know more about who we are, they know more). You must also remember these countries that tell you clearly ukuthi abamnyama abakwaSibiya: NamiBIA, ZamBIA, EthioPIA, ColomBIA (has a lot of black people, America has the 3rd largest number of black people after Asia and Africa in first), GamBIA and LiBYA. Within Sibiya, you have Zethembe/Zembethe = Tembe (South East titans) and then Zingelwayo or Zwane or Zela or Zaire or Zare or Zorka or Zonga or Ludvonga or Donga or Ndonga (West Coast Bantu = AmaNgwe or AmaNgo mostly)

        AmaBhaca ilaba ababizwa ngoMkabayi or Ncaphayi. Babebusa ebaQulusini bengabakwaZwane endlini yakwaNtombela or Ntombane or Tobane or Tobia or Itophia (Which is what Africa was called before whites came). That is also why they want to call this place Azania – Azanani = Azagwe = Azwane = Azwange = Azwela = Azerwa = Azingelwayo = ADzonga = Andonga = ANdao = ATau = Ashumba = Asumpa = Aximba= Aduma (Lion in Swahili). UTau uhamba neDolo (Tolo or Zolo = Nkosi-Dlangamandla) lakhe elibele lide elincancisa/ncelisa ngaphesheya komfula. AmaHlangane aphuma – ndlu encane yakwaZulu ebizwa manje ukuthi amaShangane. Remember uShaka wabulawa uDingane = Madzikane or Madzane = Manzwane, Mbopha kaSithayi, Mkabayi and Mhlangane/Msangane/Msane or Ndau or Ndawo.

        Lenye indlu yakwaSibiya ile-eyakwaTembe (Debe) ephethe abaNgcobo; Chiliza, Mdunge etc. called Salai or Salinga or Salina or Sana or Sane or Sani or Mshana = Ronga = Roka = Lau = Lai (as in Malawi). Alibizwa ngelikamMthaniya ngokungelutho! UMthaniya is a princess yakwa Sibiya (endlini kaNtombela-Zwane) ephuma eMahlubini akwaNdlela. ONtombela babizwa ngoNtombazi, Ntobane, Tobela, Tovera, Tovane, Stobe abanye baze bafike koSotobe but uSotobe uzalwa kwaNgcobo, ezalwa aBakgatla or Mpangalala, ozalwa UGazu ozalwa uZethembe/Zembethe – this is a junior house.

        You need to stop thinking seperate with Bantus but together. That is the only way you will get to know the real truth.

    • landela u Sifisosamadunge Chiliza ku facebook uzowthola umlando wakwethu

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