
meaning of names 💛 clan names 💯 history


Mesopotamia Meaning. What does Mesopotamia mean?

Mesopotamia means “between two rivers.”


Mesopotamia is a biblical name of Greek origin, symbolizing a region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It reflects themes of abundance and civilization.

Notable References:

Mesopotamia is mentioned in the Bible as the region where Abraham’s family lived before God called him to Canaan, as described in Genesis 24:10. The name signifies the origins of God’s chosen people.

Mesobaite Meaning. What does Mesobaite mean?

Mesobaite means “the Lord’s standing-place; a little doe.”


Mesobaite is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing God’s presence or a delicate creation. It reflects themes of divine nearness and gentleness.

Notable References:

Mesobaite is mentioned in the Bible as a designation of one of David’s mighty men, as described in 2 Samuel 23:27. The name signifies strength under God’s guidance.

Meshillamith Meaning. What does Meshillamith mean?

Meshillamith means “peaceable; perfect; giving again.”


Meshillamith is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing reconciliation and completeness. It reflects themes of peace and restoration.

Notable References:

Meshillamith is mentioned in the Bible as a Levite who served during Hezekiah’s reforms, as described in 2 Chronicles 29:12. The name signifies the role of peace and perfection in serving God.

Meshezaheel Meaning. What does Meshezaheel mean?

Meshezaheel means “God taking away; the salvation of God.”


Meshezaheel is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing God’s redemptive power. It reflects themes of deliverance and divine intervention.

Notable References:

Meshezaheel is not mentioned directly in the Bible but carries meanings in line with biblical themes of salvation and God’s ability to remove burdens.

Meshelemiah Meaning. What does Meshelemiah mean?

Meshelemiah means “peace, or perfection, of the Lord.”


Meshelemiah is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing divine peace and completeness. It reflects themes of harmony and service to God.

Notable References:

Meshelemiah is mentioned in the Bible as a gatekeeper for the Ark of the Covenant, as described in 1 Chronicles 26:1. The name signifies dedication to God’s service and the preservation of His holiness.

Meshech Meaning. What does Meshech mean?

Meshech means “who is drawn by force.”


Meshech is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing compulsion or movement. It reflects themes of migration and divine direction.

Notable References:

Meshech is mentioned in the Bible as a son of Japheth and an ancestor of a people, as described in Genesis 10:2. The name signifies the movements of nations under God’s plan.

Mesha Meaning. What does Mesha mean?

Mesha means “burden; salvation.”


Mesha is a biblical name of Hebrew origin, symbolizing a burden or deliverance. It reflects themes of struggle and salvation.

Notable References:

Mesha is mentioned in the Bible as a king of Moab who rebelled against Israel, as described in 2 Kings 3:4-5. The name signifies the weight of responsibility and the hope of deliverance.

Umlando kaSibambo. Izithakazelo Sibambo

izithakazelo zakwaSibambo
Bhaka hhofu
Mabanda ngesika kuNkindwane
Umoni wendlela ngonyawo
Mkhombi wendlela
Wena okwaphambana izindlela kwangaphambana ikhanda
Wena owabulawa ngekhofi
Abafokazane bekufela umona
Ngenxa yezibusiso

USibambo lona wayenguMasinga ngokuzalwa. Babezelwe bebabili bengamadodana eNkosi uMabhudu Masinga, okwathi ngonyaka okwafika ngawo amaPortuguese, efika ngemikhumbi ezweni lakhe afika amthungatha, ehamba ebuza, kwaze kwafika ezindlebeni zakhe, wasekhetha ukufihla amadodana akhe kwezizwe ezakhelene naye. Eyodwa yawelela empumalanga kolwandle yayocasha ezweni likaTembe, enye eningizimu yolwandle. UMasinga owayecashe ezweni lakoTembe waselethwa isibongo esisha uSibambo kuyisibongo sokucashela amaPortuguese.

Ralliement du Clan NTIMBANE en Afrique

Les origines du noms NTIMBANE et son appartenance à des natifs de la Tribu Bulu au Sud du CAMEROUN que je croyais unique, alors qu’il ya des NTIMBANE en AFRIQUE DU SUD , au SWAZILAND , dans plusieurs pays en AFRIQUE AUSTRALE , m’amènent à vouloir investiguer sur la manière dont ce nom s’est propagé en Afrique Centrale et en Afrique Australe et découvrir quelles sont les origines de ce nom que je porte.
J’aimerais rencontrer ce grand avocat , Melvin NTIMBANE et les descendants de NTIMBANÉ , ainsi que ses frères.
Merci de m’y aider.
Mon adresse mail : ntimbane [email protected]

Van Zyl clan names

I would like to know ukhuthi does Van zyl have izithakazelo

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