Meaning: Adisa is a Yoruba name meaning “one who is clear” or “one who is understood.”
Origin: This name originates from the Yoruba people of Nigeria.
Notable People: Adisa Bakari, a Nigerian footballer, is a notable bearer of this name.
Tag: Adisa
Adisa is a Yoruba name.
Meaning & Origin: Adisa means ‘the lucid one’ or ‘one who is clear.’ It is a unisex name that reflects clarity of thought, purpose, and vision.
Clan History: Adisa carries significant cultural weight in Yoruba society, where clarity and wisdom are highly valued traits. The name is often associated with individuals who possess strong communication skills or visionary leadership.
Notable People: Adisa is a common name among Yoruba communities, with bearers excelling in various fields such as education, politics, and the arts.
Adisa is a name of Yoruba origin. It means “one who is clear” or “one who speaks clearly,” symbolizing honesty and openness.
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