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Tag: Mgilija

Nhleko Clan Praises ♡ ♥💕

Mgilija ! ♡ 💕
Mngcwangu lemhlophe netinyawo takhe.
NguboYengwe neyeNgwenyama.
Batsi bakaNhleko bayakhala kantsi bagidza tingoma.
Lucu kalulingani lulingana ngekutsekeletela.
Nine bakaLawuba.
Nine baseNcandweni.
Nine lenashishilita ngemzaca kaMangwayane.
Nhleko, Mgilija.

Mgilija Clan Names

Mgilija : If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES

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