Thina bakwa Simelane siyizalo or isizujulwane sika Hadebe Mthimkhulu
Original from Gauteng ukuya e Limpopo. According to I Langa lase Natal
SingabaSotho e Limpopo u Lokothwayo
U Lekgothoane lase siyanda izwe lonke sayofika e Ngonje Frihied Natal lase Dumbe kuyoshaya Amsterdam Swaziland kwakuyindawo yabe Sotho sibo Mpembe elikhulu ngoba sizalwa u Hadebe Mthimkhulu.
Tag: ntengwane
Originally abakwaSimelane bazalwa uHadebe Mthimkhulu original from Gauteng.
Umlando from I Langa lase Natal
NTENGWANE: If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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