Ngeleka Clan History, Umlando, Meaning & Origin
The meaning, origin and history of Ngeleka surname is not yet listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.
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Ngeleka ยฎ clan names. Ngeleka Surname Meaning
Ngeleka Origin. Ngeleka History The meaning, origin and history of the Ngeleka surname is not listed.This surname is prevalent in South Africa.
Izithakazelo zakwa Ngeleka | Ngeleka Surname Mjiwo Fakazi Chenge Khathula vuvu ka mbethe mhlakuva omabhakubhaku zibayezinkulu khaba elihle elakhaba esiswini sikanina izinyanga ezisishiyaga lolunye ngoba wesaba ilanga wena owaqala ngedikazi wagcina ngentombi malandelwa intombi ithi ngezeke noma inkomo ungenazo
My father is Mr Ngeleka Masheshisa from Kwa-nzimakwe under UGU district in Day Nkonyeni Municipal and his the first old man of amaNgeleka that is still alive and her older sister is 118 they both alive and also can tell our history as it is. Ngeleka Fakazi Mjiwo Khaba Malandelaโฆ
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