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Tag: amaMfengu

AmaMfengu History | AmaFingo 

These were one of the last remaining Mfengu/Fingo couples. These people who were once refugees in Xhosaland coming from the Zululand during the Mfecane wars were they were seeking protection amongst Xhosa people during King Hinstaโ€™s reign. The Mfengus were in the lower status in Xhosaland until the colonialist/missionaries intervened and offered them protection which the Mfengus moved and lived amongst the British.

That is the point were Xhosa people hated the Mfengus and attacked some of them and resulted deaths. When the British engaged in the Frontier wars, the Mfengus joined their British ally and they were skilled. The British also made sure that the Mfengus had education and convert into Christianity. Therefore the Mfengus became westernized especially the ones that were placed in Peddie (Ciskei). For their loyalty, the British granted Mfengus land which is in Peddie(Ciskei) Butterworth, Tsomo , Ngqamakwe some parts of Dutywa and Willowvale which these two towns are populated by the Xhosa indigenous people.

So those who donโ€™t know how the Mfengus looked like, this is how they dressed before they assimilated into the Xhosa culture. Every Xhosa speaking or Independent sub tribes of the Eastern Cape had their distinct physical features & attire. Unfortunately the Mfengus have assimilated and intermarried amongst their Xhosa neighbors.

The Mfengu clan names are similar to the Zulu clan names since they descend from Zulu land. The clan names are Radebe, Dlamini, Tolo, Mthembu, Mbhele, Mntambo, Ntombela, Miya, Ndlovu, Masango, Maduna, Nkomo, Xaba, Khumalo & Yirha.

Goqolo Clan Names , Goqolo Surname Origin

Goqolo, Mabhengu / Bhengu, Teni, Tshengezana, Tshevula, Ngwane. We are the Fingo people / AmaMfengu and this clan can be found in Lesotho and Eastern Cape.

amaMfengu ยฎ clan names. amaMfengu Meaning ๐Ÿ˜ amaMfengu Origin. amaMfengu History

The meaning, origin and history of the amaMfengu is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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