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Boshielo Clan Names
Ke Boshielo bja Lobang, bja gabo seopo Mmabilwane wa gabo Lekgalake, ge a hlaba oa tlolela o etsa pudi ya tlotlwana oetsa pudi ya mohlokolo. Seopo Mmabilwane ke kubjana mankgabutlana oa kgalema ka lentsu o kgatabila tlou, ore a ebago kua magobading go busa mang naa? Go busa nna ntsho ya gabo leribe kokoto, ba re kua ntshe letlapa le kile la wela bodibeng, bodiba boile bja sisinyega. Bare ke ba kgosi ba Sekutumanya a gabo Lesiba, batshwene a kutuma mogaba, kua gageso mogolo go llwa kua gagesu ga mmanama lephatleng, bare hleng pelo ya modisi e kile ya fifala.
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