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Tag: Ngcoya
The king ngcoya was blessed with twins the one was black and the other was a colored two boys Gcelu and Matiwana.
The Ngcoya people are part of the Pondo people of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The story about how the Ngcoya clan came about, There was a Mpondo King, Bhala, and he had many wives. One of his wives begot a son and they said to the wife that “Uyagcoya wena uzele indodana” which meant joy to you who begot a son. She then named her child Ngcoya, and then his childre adapted the surname Ngcoya from uNgcoya, the child of iNkosi uBhala. Each clan had clan names known as izithakazelo, which were names obtained for very close association with certain clans and for doing certain things.
The clan names of the Ngcoya people are:
Laba abahlamba ngobende benyamazane abanye behlamba ngobenkomo Choboza
Mhlanga kuvela ilanga
Laba abagqiba umgodi udilika