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Tag: Phalatse

Phalatse Clan Praises 😍 Phalatse Surname

Phalatse Clan Praises :

Ke mmaramaa’Kotu lekumula dithaka.

Ke mafiri ke magadimana ntweng,
Ga re ja ga re gadime.

Phiri tsa’ Molopo a’ Mogale, marinarina a Borankhumise!
Motho o rileng a tsaa motho a mo akga,

A mo refosa ka theko ‘a lerumo,
Mompei ga a yo, Mompei o ile masimong.

Ke moagi o montsho wa motse wa Mosetlha.

Dihemela tsa motse wa Mmakhunwana.

Ke ngwana’ mosadi o lebele le makgabe,

E reng ngwana a lela a tsee lebele a le akgele kwa morago
Ngwana a didimale!

Ke ditlogolwana kwa Mmamarama’ Kotu!

Ke ditlogolwana tsa matebele a Makonkonyane

O ba bone, fa ba tlhoka kgomo

Ba tshwara motho ba mo soboloka fela.

Ditlogolwana tsa Bommaramaa’ Kotu

Ba kotula diako ba tlogela mfero!

Ke bosebesa-ka-dimeko

Dikgong di le teng!

Mmamaraama!!! Mmmooou!!!

Phalatse ® clan names. Izithakazelo zakwa Phalatse 😍 Phalatse Origin. Phalatse History

Phalatse ® clan names. Izithakazelo zakwa Phalatse 😍 Phalatse Origin. Phalatse History

The meaning, origin and history of the Phalatse surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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