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Tag: Thawuzela

Thawuzela clan names & History

Thawuzela, Mabhula, Nyaw’ezimhlophe, Gib’elebhedeni noba zinodaka, Mpiyakhe, Gorha, Bhangazelani, Mfaz’obele linye phetsheya ko mlanjana owondla sonke isizwe sama Thawu, Mbovu ka Mboleni!

Thawuzela ® clan names. Izithakazelo zakwa Thawuzela 😍 Thawuzela Origin. Thawuzela History

Thawuzela ® clan names. Izithakazelo zakwa Thawuzela 😍 Thawuzela Origin. Thawuzela History

The meaning, origin and history of the Thawuzela surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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