Qinisani MaAfrika!
Qinisani uthando
Aluqine uthando luthi ngqi!Ukhisimusi awusho lutho
Uma singathandani, singazwelani

Abanye balala bengadlile
Abanye bakhomba ngophakathi

Abanye sebashonelwa ngabazali
Abanye bayabathuka, bayabazonda

Ingabe sokhula kanjani ma kunje
Sokhula kanjani na?

Ingabe sophumelela kanjani
Ma singahloniphi?

Sozithola phi na izibusiso
Ma singenayo inkuthalo nokubambisana?

Sophila kanjani uma singenabuntu
Futhi singathandani?

Qinisani MaAfrika!
Qinisani uthando nokuzwana
Qinisani uthando maAfrika!

Strengthen love, dear Africans!
Strengthen love
Let it stand rock solid!Christmas means nothing
If we do not love each other
With no compassion for one another

Some go to bed with empty stomachs
While others have everything

Countless children have lost their parents
Others swear at them, they hate them

How can we grow strong
When the situation is like this
How will we grow and prosper?

How can we be successful
When we do not respect each other
Where will our blessings come from?

Where are we headed
If we have no dedication or collaboration?
We need to show each other love and humanity

Strengthen love, dear Africans!
Love and harmony is what we need
Strengthen love, dear Africans!