o Bhanqo,
o Mgcaleka,
Mdumane !!
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Bhanqo Clan Praises , Bhanqo Meaning & History
Bhanqo: If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button .
Bhanqo Clan Praises , Bhanqo Meaning & History
Bhanqo : If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button .
daniel mtjilebe
Amantshilibe o Bhanqo,Ndize,Msuthu,Bobese,o Mgcaleka ,Nduku,Langa,Mdumane
Philasande Njengele
are those Zulu or Xhosa?
Ntlanga eziphuma phezulu embindini we Afrika zawela I Zambezi River no Hlanga lama Kwena. Behlela e Natal ngemihla yemfazwe zohlanga. Boma phezulu ko Mbashe River, apho babu lala ikumkani u Ndaba eyayiphethe. Bagcina koMkhuku ku Kumkani u Sarhili, apho benziwa amaphakathi koMkhuku, asikelwa imihlaba. Abanye bawela inciba banyykela ngasentshona bagcwala izwelonke. Lana ngamakhosi esizwe so Mdumane, izikumkane zohlanga lazo. Asiqubudi nakiyi ikumkani. Sisisizwe esinobukumkani waso ngokwendabuko yasemandulo kwelo khokho bethu. Camagu Ndize ka Bhanqo. Aah Ntshilibe