meaning of names 💛 clan names 💯 history



Izithakazelo zakwa-Hlongwane

Masenga sileka,
Nduku Zinobulongwe,
Zikhali ezingalingani nezamaxhegwana,
Nina bakaSangweni elingawelwa abafokazana liwelwa izinkonjane zasemaNgwaneni,
Sang’elibanzi elingavulwa abantukazana ngoba livalwe ngezihlangu zamadoda,
Nina bakaMatiwane,
Abaqhobosha ithole elintanga zimashumi,
Ligwalagwala lakithi elimadolo abomvu!




Izithakazelo zakwa Hlophe Clan Names Umlando


  1. I grew up around my family speaking the Tsonga language, which makes me a bit confused of this surname.There are the Hlongwane’s from Kwazulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo .My question is are we from the same family?

  2. Omega

    Sanibona mangwane, Cela ukubuza umntungwa uhlobene kanjani noHlongwane?

  3. Sangweni isithakazelo sakwa Hlongwane

  4. Molweni Mangwane amahle, there's a brother looking for his Father who once lived around Gauteng. His father's name is Vincent Hlongwane and brother to the father is George Hlongwane. please Help

  5. Nope you don't belong to Hlongwane

  6. Sanibonani bafowethu i'm confused what is the relationship between the Hlongane's and the Sangwen's ?

  7. As'bongeni mangwane amahle. nami asikudala ngithola ukuthi umsuka wesisu sasekhaya lapho sivela khona u-Hlongwane. Ngijabule ngempela futhi Uma ngikhuluma namangwane amahle futhi. Mina igama ngingu nomalanga kodwa-ke ngiganele Ka thebehali. Ngiyabonga?

  8. Enter your reply…yebo mfowethu singoHlongwane sonke baphambeka abakwa home affairs nam ngnayo leyo nkinga isbongo sam sivela njengoHlongwanA

  9. Sanibonani I was just wondering if these praise names also apply to me as I am a Hlongwana. I asked my mum and she said she thinks it's a home affairs spelling error. Ngicela ningisize Ingabe o Hlongwana kusa wo Hlongwane?

  10. Ngiyabonga, akwande

  11. Inkosi yakithi uMatiwane eyanqunywa ikhanda ngamabutho akwaZulu entabeni namhlanje okuthiwa iMatiwane Skop.

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