Izithakazelo zakwa-Mathonsi
wena owela ngempambosi abanye bewela ngezibuko,
Ziyatholakala izikibha ezinezithakazelo zakwa Mathonsi –
Fonela lenombolo: 061 868 5163
wenze i-oda lakho!
Price: R200.00
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Greetings, I'm also a Mathonsi from Limpopo. I'm also trying to search for my history and roots. I was quite fascinated to note that we have a Mathonsi community in KZN somewhere close to eMandeni. My quest for this research began when I heard on the news that there a king who passed on some 2 years ago and I really felt that this is one of us.
I'm only just a son in a big Mathonsi family in Limpopo, Giyani – Malamulele, at Mapapila village. My fathers are still alive and I believe that tbey will be interested in meeting their clan from any part of the world. Let's keep in touch. 082 214 3200 or buqedaka@gmail.com
is there a book or anything recorded which speaks about the history of the Mathonsi family, whether it is a Royal family and how does the Mathonsi's in KZN relate to the Mathonsi's in Limpopo, the vhaTsonga ones? If anyone is able to help you can WhatsApp me here: 0786404035 or send me an email at lmaseko008@gmail.com
Iam also a mathonsi. How do I get into business.