The Motsa clan can be found in eSwatini, South Africa( Motsa, Motha and Mota) , Lesotho, (Mota). In eSwatini the clan names bifurcated into two streams following the ancestry origins of two brothers, one of whom was of a darker hue (Loluhlata). This rendition is not of Loluhlata but of the Motsa of Lushikishini, the Royal Palace of Chief Mhlaba Motsa (my great grandfather).
Motsa Mvulane Khatsidze Dlebankhomo Mdlalose, wena lowadlala indlalakanye engabe kusasa uyowudlalani. Nongombili, Setfuko sibi. Wetfukwe nguNjobeni naLukhambule. Jojo kaSobhuza. Nabo Mangcingcikatana wetikhali. Wena waMabonakala eLudvwendvweni. Wena waLozihhabhu! Motsa!
Bongani Mothar
Hi Zodwa
You wouldnβt happen to know how o Motha got to be in the Zulu and Ndebele clans?