meaning of names ๐Ÿ’› clan names ๐Ÿ’ฏ history



Izithakazelo zakwa-Ngidi

Fuyane, Mazinga,
Mlalazi kaNoxhaka,
Laka lathengwa ngembuzi,
Imbuzi kwakungeyempongo,
Wena bhaka laseMakhasi,
Wena nyoka zakhwela emthini zingenanyawo,
Wena nkomo zehla ngelengiso estikini,
Wenโ€™okandunu mabukwa yombili abasezitheni nabasekhaya,
Dlokwe lendlovu,
Jiji Mankononkono,
Geza ngenhla abafokazana begeza ngezansi,






  1. the sooner people realise that we are one people and one state, the sooner we can start tackling the truth battle: the one that lies within. As God's chosen people, until when will you worship what is below the ground (ancestors and what is called African traditional religion) and stuck on earth instead of going back to HIM?

    My lineage ran and built churches in Ethiopia. Animism and devil-worship WILL never be my true religion!!! I am a Christian and angijiki. Christianity is about black people by the author of all black things: God, Triune, He was, is and ever shall be, world without end. Israel's true Levites need to stand up and be counted! The age of the gentile is over!! Now God wants to save Israel. Are you in?

  2. AmaZizi/Titi/Jiji/Didi/Ndunu, oMtolo, MZolo โ€“ noZulu โ€“ bride tribe to the Asuati/Swati/Swazi Zulus, who arr Baka or BaYaka or yanga or baLanga or Mpanga or Phaka โ€“ together we form the PhakaTwa or Phakathwayo or Baganda/Bakhanda who then can rule one of our states. No king can rule unless they have both Phaka/Asuati/Swati/Ssadi โ€“ Bassadi โ€“ and Thwa/BoRwa and

  3. We are called Vezi or Beti or Pedi or Mbedzi or Mbezi or Verde or Pende or Bende or Bete or Gethe people. All of Zambia is my tribe. Most of Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, SUDAN, Chad/Jadu and the rest of Africa have sizeable chunks of the Lolo/Khulu/Huru or Barolong or Bakolong or Badolong or Batolong or Bazolong (dew people) or Amakholo or Khonjo/Khonto/Khonzo โ€“ made up of the Fula or Fulani or Pula or Mvula (Rain) or Khafula or Kaffraria or Ephraim or Ephringam people.

    We also called Bajoe or Babgwe or Batsheni or baSetsheni โ€“ the stone people โ€“ where Zimbabwe comes from โ€“ Nzimakwe โ€“ Tshutsha, Xolo, Sabela, Gadluma (Ga-Duruma) โ€“ Pokomo โ€“ MalaNDELA. Wash' UMSUTHU!!!!

    The Pedi are Zulus who lost the Zulu Kingdom seat when the Zulus were defeated by the Dutch prior to 1879. These Zulus were led by the Dinka or King Dingaan, King Shakas brother โ€“ the Digo or Diko or Zelemu or Ntombela or Tobela. Then, the current line of Kings took over, called Mpande or Pate or Bande or Ndawu or Tau or Tunga or Mntungwa, Tau = Lion or DawuDuna, Mbhense, Yamela/Jamela = Jama + Ela clan of Chad/Jadu. Bande means Mathe = Mande โ€“ the main line of Mande Kings of Africa. We are descendents of Sogolo and Silulu/Milalulu or Keslul or Marib/Mariba Yemenite Jews who settled and established the Sahel Kingdoms of Mali and the subsequent Kingdoms that came with Mali's decline. I as a Zwane, am also praised: Madi. Madi along with Nian/Nyan, Nien/Nyen and Mali are the names the Kingdom of Mali from the 12th century was called in West Africa.

  4. William, that is because some Zulus are called Zerwa/Zingelwayo/Zeilwa/Zelwa and Birwa and our country's offical name is called Burwa.

    Also, the Thusi people form a big part of the Zulu-Swati people. We have Thusini-Thusi-Thutsi, we also have the Suthu people, who are Huthus. But the trick is ALL of US are SUTHUS from the Mali empire. We are Mande and the Zulus were the rulers of Africa but e have been defeated and brainwashed to believing we are seperate.

    I am a Zwane. By definition, the Buganda are my people as I am praise Makhandankhanda โ€“ it means head-head or Ntlookntloko or Hlokohloko which is what we are: Bereu/Berea Barolong/Bakolong Ba ga Tau naBaka Seleka, NaMathlaping, AbaNgwi/Kwi/Gidi/Gethe/Kete. ALL of Africa are Zulus man. It's just called Mbai/Binga/Pai/Bhayi/Mamba/Mambai/Kamba and Makua/Mangwa/Manga and Diko/Dinga or collectively Mijikenda or Mchichenda or Nyai or Nyika. We have the same ancestors and the same heritage and communicated and travelled to each other until late 1800s when everything was changed. Remember next time that Zulu means Heaven, sky or high above. If your origination story says you came from the sky, which it does. It means you came from the Zulus. We are the Sky/Heaven people. Mbinguni = Mbinga = Pai = Zulu = Julu = Tulu = Tolo = Tooro = Rwenzururu (we call this Sululu โ€“ our story of origination says we came down Africa on a Silulu โ€“ Sehla ngesilulu and ngomzungulu/mtungulu/tukulu/Toucouleur/Sokolo/Sogolo.

    Nsubuga is actually close to what we also called ourselves: Obuka = Bougainvvillea (google this word and be blown away). Nsu = Nzu = Zuu = Zulu/Zuru/Zoro/Zolo/Sulu/Solo/Soro/Suru/Zuwu/Zowo/Zuyu etc. It all means the same thing: Zulu or the person of the Heavens.

    Buka also hides another truth: our true clan is called Gona or Kwena or Gegana (This is where Ghana comes from) or Ngwenya (now called the Crocodile clan) or Ngunda or Bukhai = Bukhikha or Bugiga = Gigaba people (our shamed minister's name) = Kwena/Ngwenya people.

    So, brother, I would think you are Mbuduma/Mpondoma or Potoma or Putuma โ€“ Nala Ndebele or Mande Bele of the Sibiya caste. Duma = Mthombeni = Kekana = Msweli = Mande = Mathe. We always travel in 2 political units in the Korana/Borana/Merika/Merari/Melali/Gershon/Gereshona Gaadas = 1. Thembu/Sapo/Mambo โ€“ free men and Amalala or Bakgatla or Barolong or Amalolo or AmaKolo or Bakolong or Kholwa or BakaDla/Dlamini or Zizi and 2. Gona โ€“ the Kings and rulers. All African rulers are Gona or Kwena or Khai or Kinga or Gegana or Akan or Egana.

    Buganda are my people โ€“ the whole of Botswana is named after my Tribe/Royal clan: Zwane/Zwana/Tawana/Twa-na/Ntwana โ€“ in Zulu, Ntwana means Royals/Royal House. We can also be called Toa = Tango or Tako or Ngoni or Ngweni or just Ngwe or the Leopard people. We are also called Mafana Marwana or Marawana or Mlawu or Malawu or Malawi or Malaya or Maleyu or Malala.

    The word Ganda = Gwa (Makua and Sibiya clan) + Ndwa (us โ€“ we are Twa or Ndwa) or Nkatha or Khanda (my praise name). We are the same people. NOT related. Same.

  5. I love the Zulu culture and heritage, As a Muganda from Buganda Kingdom, in my tribe we have so much similarities and even practices are almost the same as those of the Zulu people

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