meaning of names πŸ’› clan names πŸ’― history


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I need to know about my surname history and origin


Nene tribe




  1. ntuthukozwane

    OBaloi baraka futhi amaKhosi akwaZulu. UPhunga = Phallu = Valoi = Phalo = indlu eyinzalo kaZwane or Ruben or Reuben or Ragauben or Langabeni = Zungu (Zwane people) = Bola = Gadi = Khathi = Sibiya House.

    • Jack Labase

      Hi my brother, can I please have your contact details, may it be whatsapp or email.

      I want us to discuss indaba yomlando wabeNguni because I have noticed that you lot of information which can help to clarify many things…

      Mina ngiwu Labase Zitha Ndawonde Mzizi Mlotshwa waseMvuleni.

      My whatsapp: 0734824028
      Calls only: 069 484 8165

  2. ntuthukozwane

    In Xhosaland, they say you are House of Phalo, in KZN we say indlu kaPhunga or Buka (inkosi ophethwe oBuka use impela uBiyela lo ongaphezu kwawo wonke amakhosi angaphansi kwaZulu excluding amaXhosa) or Bhunga (kumaHlubi) or Phallu or Valoi or Baloi laba abazala amaNyai or Nyathi or Nyika or Niger or amaKua or Mangwa or amaQhwa or amaKhize/Nkosi = amaMbo.

    AmaBuka is also what we are as we are collectively called Bukalanga and the Tswanas and Vendas and Shona and other Southern African tribes claim to come from Bukalanga. That is who amaGwambe or Qwabe are. They also are called amaGeba or Mageba or Ngiba or Goba or Gova or Yoruba or Yugova or Lugoba or Loluba or Lubango or Lobengula or Lovedu.

  3. ntuthukozwane

    AmaNyathi are also called amaNyai or amaNyika or amaXhosa athi Yirha. SingamaThonga or amaTungwa or BaTlokwa or amaHlongwa or VhaHlengwa or Mabasa or Sibasa or the Tsongas.

    They include basically all the chiefs and people of old Qwabe, Mthethwa, Zungu-Cebekhulu-Biyela territory in Umhlathuze to Nongoma and down to Mangethe. These people are a super structure that is made up of Zwane people and thus must will know of some relation to Zwane but will not be sure how.

  4. ntuthukozwane

    Ngwabe people are Qwabe or Gcwabe or Gwambe or Mncwabe or Mugabe or Gaba or Mgwaba or Gabaa or Manahath or MaNyathi or Makhathi people. A branch of Sibiya people. This is a nation not just a surname so do not start saying you cannot marry these surnames. Izithakazelo have nothing to do with who you can marry. Izithakazelo is a preservation of history. Family tradition is supposed to tell us who we cannot and can marry.

    Qwabe and Zulu were brothers but they became brothers at least 500 years ago. Does that mean Zulu people should not marry Qwabe. What about Zungu/Nozidiya people (since both come from them)? AmaQwabe have different tribes about 8. Those tribes are divided amongst all black people. To read up on proper Qwabe history, just read up on Rharhabe Xhosas, they are the kingdom of Nqetho that was chased by Dingaan to Eastern Cape comprising Makhanya or Magaye or Maluleka or Gcaleka (Senior Xhosa Kings) and their local bride tribe – Sandile or Nyandeni. They are Zwane and Hlubi and are called Hurutse or Khuluse or abaQulusi within the Zulu-Hlongwa/Tlokwa or Ndonga or Ludonga people. UNdonga uZwane by definition and also Sibiya at the same time as Zwane and Sibiya is the same surname.

    Sibiya also = Zibane/Tubane/Tibane/Jibane/Jubane/Zubane/Magubane/Ngubane/Gubhela or Sibani or Sarvia or Sabia or Subia or Hlubiya or Princes or Priests of amaHlubi = Sibiya ozala amaBhungane or Biyela or Abihail or Abiyane = AmaNgwe or Princes or Abia or Wabane or Langabi or Rharhabe or Mlawu or Jehu or Moshoeu or Somtsweu or Shehu or Marawa or Mlawa or Jeri.

    This is how amaNguni are related. We are all related. Do not listen to the hype that Xhosa, Zulu, Venda, Sotho is separate. Anyone who dares to compare the histories will see that the kings are the same, the areas they come are the same. These are one people. Apartheid has destroyed this Nguni nation.

    So, if it looks the same when it comes to surnames, it is.

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