meaning of names ๐Ÿ’› clan names ๐Ÿ’ฏ history


Tag: Chuma

Chuma Meaning, Origin, Cultural Significance & Notable People

Chuma is a Xhosa/Zulu name meaning โ€˜Grow.โ€™

Meaning & Origin:
Chuma reflects prosperity, development, and abundance.

Cultural Significance:
In Xhosa and Zulu cultures, Chuma symbolizes personal and communal growth, both spiritually and materially.

Notable People:
Chuma is a powerful and aspirational name but is not widely associated with notable individuals.

Izithakazelo zakwa Chuma clan names & History

Chuma Surname:

Uboya bemvu,
Wena onamehlo amakhulu,
Amakhulu akhona ukbona,
Ebunyameni !!

Chuma Clan Names

Chuma Clan Names : If you know Chuma Clan Names or their history, please add it by leaving a REPLY below or by clicking this button + ADD CLAN NAMES

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Chuma Surname Meaning. Chuma Origin. Chuma History:

Chuma Surname Meaning. Chuma Origin. Chuma History:

The meaning, origin and history of the Chuma surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in Zimbabwe.

Chuma ยฎ clan names. Chuma Surname Meaning ๐Ÿ˜ Chuma Origin. Chuma History

Wena golighe indlu enkulu isizwe sazala ebelungu wena manikele onikela ithandani.Gumbi wemamagumbi mana emhlaba isibongo isamudali!

Izithakazelo zakwa Ndlela Clan Names

Ndlela Clan Praises ๐Ÿ˜ Ndlela surname

Machunu amahle anyathela ngemikhonto esanda kulolwa!


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