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Tag: Masilo
Ke Mokoena Wa Ha Maraphohole Motho Wa Se Kgwara Sa Mantlola Nkolonyane Ngwana MaThipa e Seha eng ? E Seha Sebete !
Nyundu (Lekhuleni) M’kolotjana, Matjeya, matjaya byala a Nutu-Noto,
Pula boroko, M’lala a eja
M’lala a eja waga M’kolotjana,
M’lala a eja busheu le montsegare
Wena a Noto,
Nyundu in Pai-Mbayi language ngwana o mokgotswana o moshushumete a e leboteng the who take the boyale lebogwera a Nutu,
Setia koma legoleng, ge a rupa koma ,o rupa lea basadi,
M’lekalekane boetle bolekana thupa,
- senang kgomo a a bobona bobona ke monna o naledi kgomo wa seisa, Morare ke letshabelo
Wena a Noto Schubert, Morolong, Mogale, Noto, Morare, Mabi, Mhete, Masilo, Malekeleke, Mmusi -Malope, Mokgatla Mhwaduba !
Masilo CLAN NAMES : If you know Masilo CLAN NAMES or their history, please add it by leaving a REPLY below or by clicking this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
Ke Motshweneng,
Ke Mofurutshe, motho wa Masilo,
Moana tshwene, motho wa mokgahla wa kgomo e tshwana,
O lesiba la nonyana, o kobo ya nkwe,
Tshwene e tswetse dibokoboko,
Mabina phoofolo, ma-ana dibata.
Masilo: If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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If you know Masilo Clan Names or their history, please add them in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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