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Tag: Mudau
Mudau Meaning in English. Mudau Clan Names. Mudau history. Mudau origin. Mudau surname info is currently not listed.
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Ukuhlangana nezimbila zithutha ziholwa emhlophe phambili
Incazelo: ukuhlangabezana nobungozi noma ubunzima
#umsuka: izimbila zihlala emgedeni uma zithutha zisuke zixoshwa esinye isilwane sasendle esaziwa ngokuthiwa umdlambila…..mazithutha-ke emhlophe esuke ihamba phambili esingathi inkosi yazo lapho-ke, into ezike zahlangana nayo nje ziyayilwisa, zisuke zingesabi lutho ngoba zikholelwa ekthenini abukho obunye ubunzima obundlula lobu eziphuma kubo
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