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Tag: Ncume


Ncume Meaning in English. Ncume Clan Names. Ncume history. Ncume origin. Ncume surname info is currently not listed.

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Clan Names. Isiduko. Name Meaning & History

Isiduko sakwa Ncume
Ifani zakwa Ncume
Ncume Clan Names & History

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Deyi Clan Names

Iziduko: Deyi

Ncume, Cume; Cum; Wei; Wayisi; Bhangushe; Bhengu; Cebisa; Deyiso; Dei; Deii; Gabisa; Manzini; Mdeyi; Mtame; Hlathi; Hlabe; Mjoli; Makhoba, Mako; Xolo, Meko; Ngcolosi; Sengwayo; Mthwakazi; Jabavu; Nonina; Dlakana; Ngilana; Ndleko; Vezi; Ndeki; Murr; Nkuna; Mbokazi; Wushe; Khusi; Khusher, Sinyali; Phakwe; Pepu; Mphephu; Babalo; Phaahla; Phoi; Hambashe; Ham; Herr; Nkatha; Nkhatha; Gwabini; Gqwaru; Ngoni; Ngozi; Fusana; Geda; Phephu; Ndudane; Farru; Fini; Finini; Mbelani; Bhekiswa; Bekiswa; Qhakaza; Bekiso; Mase; Manci; Mancini; Noconjo; Zikhali; Mzungulu; Zungulu; Mzungu; Mphafane; Kheswa; Mphafa; Qamata; Qubulashe; Gqigqigqi; Duur; Diya; Diko; Xhonti; Ntoyanto; Xarru; Xhakaza; Xakaza; Shwawu; Mshwawu; Zotsho; Somdeyi; Sukwini; Mahoyi; Motsa; Zungu; Velelo; Valela; Phaala; Mtebele; Lambatha ; Nduli; Mbovu; Xoi; Xarr; Sarru; Soreh; Soi and Noma-Ndzo-Ndzo ka Phika’ne’langa.

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