Itโs not true that Tshuma is Zulu,
We the Tshuma/tjuma settled down south before the zulus.
We settled along the coast together with the San and Khoi people until the arrival of the nguni people.
After the arrival of the nguni, we moved back north because our people didnโt like wars.
Thus why we are found in almost all southern African regions.
Tag: Tshuma
Tshuma, Ndeti, ngalavula omageza ngochago abathi amanzi alenyunkila amazinyane alomzimba omhlophe lamakhanda amnyama amazinyane aqolotsha phezu kombele obatshetshemana nkunzemnyama Nkomaha obuhlalu benkosi omapengula abagidela abelungu bahleka oGumbi lamakhosi abanikazi beGolide abathandwa yizizwe zonke ngoba bezalelwa ebukhosini abakhethwa yinkosi ngoba behlakaniphile!
Omageza ngibisi ngoba amanzi eneyibungu
The Tshumaโs are from a very unique clan.
Tshuma Meaning:
Tshuma means gold. Again, gold is not found everywhere.
Tshumaโs are originally from the Nguni culture from the amaZulu.
Tshuma clan praises:
Bakadzi bapekulela balungu bakaseka !!!
TSHUMA: If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
If you know Tshuma Clan Praises , please add in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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Tshuma ยฎ clan names. Tshuma Surname Meaning Tshuma Origin. Tshuma History
The meaning, origin and history of the Tshuma surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.
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