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Tag: Xivambu

Xivambu and Makhuvele

The relationship between Xivambu and Makhuvele. The Makhuvele is a massive clan that imanate from the Valenga of the Banwanati group. It’s estimated that all combined Makhuvele can make a Province by themselves alone. It’s claimed that all the Makhuvele( Mugwena) imanate from this man. Research shows that Makhuvele has four sons.

1. Mandlope.

2. Ntluri.

3. Manyawuri.

4. Mpapele.

But the still certain unclear contradictions that need full research about Makhuvele and Shivambu are brothers. But its unclear who is their father but some people say they are the sons of Maxekahomu who is the son of Nkome, Nkome is the son of Khambani who is the son of Dzovo who is the son of Mondlani.

Based on the above information let’s ask ourselves.

1 . how many wife’s did Maxekahomu had.

2. Was Maxekahomu a royal house or a King.

3. Makhuvele and Shivambu who is from the senior house.

Nwanati river is in Mozambique where Makhuvele is claimed to be emanating from. They are from Bileni Masia along the coast of the Indian Ocean. During the mfecane wars the arrival of the Ngune nation who were lead by Zwangindaba and Elias Manukusi ka Langa wa Nxumalo around 1819 to 1823 the Makhuvele had a serious difficulties where they were being colonized by this people. They were demanded to pay royalties to the Nguns soldiers. This make them develop strategies of hiding their maize in the river cains so that when nguns ask them what are they doing at the cains they say we are just guarding them. Nguns will ask them that because cains looks like mazie do think they will grow change to be maize. Then Makhuvele will say yes they change as they grows the Nguns we leave them alone thinking that they are stupid and as such they will harvest at peace without any distractions by Nguns. That’s where Mhlanga wethu comes from. Today we are known to a Marinda Hlanga because of that habit. Around this period the Makhuvele clan was being lead by King Zichele and he was not in good terms with the Nguns. Remember Makhuvele nextdoor neighbors was Khosa of Magudu and Rikhotse wa Rovisi or Ubisi. They tried to form alliance but Nguns army was very strong. Soon as they defeated the strongest army of Khosa Magudu who was sold out by his brother Magigwani Khosa. Remember Magigwani was not from a royal house but was just an army general of the Nguns while he was a Mutsonga himself. Magigwani Khosa was one strongest general who was giving the Portuguese government a high time at wars. But remember he was fighting under the Nguns army that the likes of Hosi Zichele Makhuvele were not willing to be supporting. They migrated to the Transvaal along the Vembe river commonly known as Limpopo. Some went to the Eastern part of Mozambique towards Tanzania boarder where they are still being found today. Remember this group in this region no longer speaks Xitsonga. Some went to Swaziland and ended up adopting Swati as their first Language. Some went to Botswana and adopted setswena as their first language. Most remain in Mozambique till the present day Makhuvele is a common surname in Mozambique. Majority settled in Transvaal around Malamulele, Giving, Ritave, Mhala commonly known as Brushbackridg, Mokopane Tshama mhani, Hammaskraal, Pretoria and Johannesburg. Those who migrated to Botswana with Hosi Zichele Makhuvele were welcome by king Mangwato of the Batswana and settled in the area known to Bakwena today. This Bakwena is from Vangwena tingwenya ta mati, meaning rivers crocodiles. This ended up causing confusion to some of Makhuvele clan who ended up adopting Tswana as their culture and tradition. We all remember the Likes of North Sechele former president of Bophutatswana football league. Correctly spelled is Norman Zichele Makhuvele. That’s a pure Mugwena. That’s brings questions to the totten of Makhuvele.

1. Ngwenya in Xitsonga

2. Gwena IN venda

3. Mokoena meaning Kwena in Suthu and Tswana.


Xivambu ® clan names. Xivambu Surname Meaning 😍 Xivambu Origin. Xivambu History

Xivambu ® clan names. Xivambu Surname Meaning 😍 Xivambu Origin. Xivambu History
The meaning, origin and history of the Xivambu surname is not listed.

This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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Xivambu ® clan names. Xivambu Surname Meaning 😍 Xivambu Origin. Xivambu History

Xivambu ® clan names. Xivambu Surname Meaning 😍 Xivambu Origin. Xivambu History
The meaning, origin and history of Xivambu surname is not listed.

This surname is prevalent in RSA

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