Great indeed but I’d like to add a little bit about our family history as emaGamedze Isive esikhulu sikaMntimandze Lubambolunye zithi zingbambili zifuze ekhabonina ,Sidvwabastfhuli nina beKunene syathokoza
The Geneology is a follows
Kunene 1
Mntimandze kaKunene
Mlotshwa kaMntimandze
Mlotshwa bore many sons that expanded isive sikaMntimandze hence why when praising you find the use of sive eskhulu sikaMntimandze Mlotshwa kaMntimandze bore Shongwe KaMntimandze,Gamedze kaMlotshwa ,Ngwenya KaMlotshwa Ngcampalala kaMlotshwa
Gamedze bore many sons to mainly Magadlela who was the eldest who established himself between the LuPhongolo river and Lubombo mountains in the valley of Esigceni which houses the princely house of emaGamedze after the passing of Magadlela the emaGamedze were divided and 3 houses were formed but the Esigceni homestead still maintains the princely status
The praises of Gamedze are as follows depending on the region you are situated and language you use
Eastern Cape:Gamedze
Gamedze Silwane Thole LeSilo ,Nombewu
Nogele ,Nomasi ,Mphubane
Praisenames:Ngonyama Isilo sidlamathole siqhuvephi ,Mbewu engenakhob enekhoba ifute ekhabonina
KwaZulu -Natal :Magadlela ,Ngonyama ,Mntimandze ,Sebenzekhaya ,Mkhohlwa Mbebe
Esethu Bin Bonisile Al- Dyantyi
Great indeed but I’d like to add a little bit about our family history as emaGamedze Isive esikhulu sikaMntimandze Lubambolunye zithi zingbambili zifuze ekhabonina ,Sidvwabastfhuli nina beKunene syathokoza
The Geneology is a follows
Kunene 1
Mntimandze kaKunene
Mlotshwa kaMntimandze
Mlotshwa bore many sons that expanded isive sikaMntimandze hence why when praising you find the use of sive eskhulu sikaMntimandze Mlotshwa kaMntimandze bore Shongwe KaMntimandze,Gamedze kaMlotshwa ,Ngwenya KaMlotshwa Ngcampalala kaMlotshwa
Gamedze bore many sons to mainly Magadlela who was the eldest who established himself between the LuPhongolo river and Lubombo mountains in the valley of Esigceni which houses the princely house of emaGamedze after the passing of Magadlela the emaGamedze were divided and 3 houses were formed but the Esigceni homestead still maintains the princely status
The praises of Gamedze are as follows depending on the region you are situated and language you use
Eastern Cape:Gamedze
Gamedze Silwane Thole LeSilo ,Nombewu
Nogele ,Nomasi ,Mphubane
Praisenames:Ngonyama Isilo sidlamathole siqhuvephi ,Mbewu engenakhob enekhoba ifute ekhabonina
KwaZulu -Natal :Magadlela ,Ngonyama ,Mntimandze ,Sebenzekhaya ,Mkhohlwa Mbebe