Izithakazelo zakwaMiya
Sbewu, Munja,
Mabhingcel’ehlangeni amany’amadod’ebhingcel’ezindlini,
Skhaban’esakhab’uvezi ngezinyawo,
Salakulandelw’esilandelwa ‘zintombi kuphela,
Genu, Gogela,
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Miya is the son of khuze , khuze the son of Dlamini 1 i think
More info please
Hello everyone,I’m as confused my father’s surname is Mzilikazi and wakwa Miya, Gcwanini clan does that make me Zulu or Xhosa?
pho eKZN emaNgwaneni saya kanjn singogcwanini?
Njabulo Vuyo Miya
Uxolo bahlobo nam ngomnye wakusu esi sbongo sakwa Miya ngyabonga and ngyajabula ukthola olulwazi osuluva apha ngesbongo sethu ..but ndicela ukba nindchazele ngamasiko akoMiya iyo nto endhlupha kakhulu emoyeni ngyancela bakwethu igama ndingu Njabulo Vuyo Miya ..ndhlala ePietermaritzburg.
I would like to know more about the Tonga surname.
U Duma, U Miya, no Thole bazalwa ngubani?
Wow, this is real information and where one can get information about what you are talking about?
UDuma yinkulu ze umiya no Thole babe ngamawele. I banana ubukhosi ke buhlunkana omnye komnye bayozimela
Tonga = clan created by a descendent of amaTonga who has gone through all the requisite age-sets including: 0-8 years with AmaNdebele, I think, 8-16 years with Amakhwekhwe (ayolusa), 16-24: With the Khoi – cementing ukolusa, craftsmanship and trade, 24-32: With Korana (Spiritual, culture and arts), 32-40: Army with the Maputu or Mapondo or AmaLuba. Thereafter, if I am not incorrect, the person would then either khonza under an existing nation and become an elder and become a Tonga or start their own nation using the Nkatha. This is the age of vocations where you got to experience life a little bit and play your part in life. It's not 100% correct but it is a step in the right direction.
The Tonga are ancestor clans or a clan that is ordained as a stand-alone clan and started building itself using the Nkatha system. There are Tonga clans on every continent, especially in Asia, where some of us come from, where there is a black country called Tonga. Blacks in Asia are considered as the indigenous people there. You can look up the Dani, Moni, Aeta (which I think is why we greet by saying Eita), Kayan Lahwi, Kayan Miyan, San Miyan, Wushe, Atayal, Zu Rukai/Zu Lukai/Rukai Zu etc. Some are mixed-race but within them some are darker than most SA blacks.
The kinship between Xhosa, Zulu and Swazi is deep. My research has shown me that white people lied about everything. If you read the history in a South African white book, you will be disappointed. That history was created to seperate us. We are one people. Even Sothos are Ngunis, that's why bengoHlongwane, Batlokwa/Hlongwa, Mokoni, Mokoena-Ngwenya etc. We were one nation and one country. We were called Jukun or Djugun or MaNguni. Just google these names and be amazed. We also tend to confuse age-set classifications such as Tonga, Khoi, KhweKhwe and Xhosa with actual nation-clans such as Hlubi, Zulu and the rest. Please google the Borana-Oromo Gaada system called an Inkatha in Zulu circles: That was the inspiration for the organisation that eventually became Inkatha Freedom Party. It was how nations were fashioned by our ancestors. Our nations are so old, they are written about in the Bible.
Wow. Thank you Xhan Rhili. Also nakuwe Andile Mashack for asking. Nam ngingowakwaMiya angizazi nezithakazelo ukuthi zithini kahlehle. But after reading this.. I can say im informed more than I was a minute before I read all this.
Ngenye imini ndeva ukuba Oo Miya noo Thole ngamawele. Ndingavuya ukuba kukho umntu onolwazi olunzulu ngalo mba. Ndivile ukuba singo Gcwanini abakwa zii Nkosi yaye sikwabakhulu e Swazini…ngubani onokundicacisela lena into? Mna ndazi oo Dlamini ukuba zii Nkosi e Swazini. U Xhan Rhili ubonakala enolwazi olunzulu ngoo Miya. Ndake ndeva ukuba oonyana baka ZiZI ngu Dlamini no Miya kodwa andazi ukuba kuthiwe oo Thole noo Miya ngamawele. Omnye umbuzo uthi oo Miya bazalana njani nama Bhele? Enkosi.
UMiya lizubulo lika Kuze kaNgwane kaDlamini first, uMiya uzalwa noNdlangisa(Thole) noZizi noTolo olithole lika Kuze according to my research.
So umiya noDlamini bahlobene?
Umiya noDlamini bahlobene na?
Amazizi sisizwe ngokwawo…ngamaNguni…asingo mazulu…inkosi u uZizi wafihlwa ngoobawokazi bemoyikisela kuShaka uba angambulali eGcuwa /kwaGcwanini kulapho ubukhosi babuhleli…bangena phantsi kwamxhosa ngexesha leMfecane… Unyana omkhulu kaZizi nguDlamini… Bemka beshiyana aykutsho eSwatini..AmaTiti…
Ntombi (Miya)Mokatsanyane
From what I know uDlamini is the father of Sibalkhulu, who fathered Faku. Faku is the father of Zizi and Tolo(twins).
Ntombikayise (Miya) Mokatsanyane
Sorry I meant to say Sibalkhulu fathered Khuze not Kade.
Also the Dlamini I’m referring to is Dlamini the first.
so these clan originate from KwaZulu enatala??
Zizi uMiya; Mzizi uDlamini ke lowo
As far as I know, we ascended the Drakensburg Mountain, together with AmaHlubi during Mfecane, but only a few of us descended back to Bergville, while most left with AmaHlubi to Mount Frere. Apparently that is where confusion started. I stand to be corrected.
Kaloku oo Miya came to Xhosaland in the 1820's running away from Shaka Zulu. Naningahambi nodwa, there were other clans such as: Dlamini, Rhadebe, Tolo, Xaba, Maduna, amaBhele, amaKhumalo and some Hlubi clans. Even today you find those Clans emaXhoseni.ukufika kwenu, kwaXhosa u Xhosa wayephethwe ngu Kumkani u Hintsa Ahh Zanzolo into ka Khawuta. The king asked "Ningobani" then you said singa Bambo, asinamhlaba siyamfenguza, sisukelwa ngu Shaka ka Senzangakhona. King Hintsa then took you in and gave you land and said ukusukela namhla ningabantu bam, he then gave Tsomo, Ngqamakhwe, Gcuwa and some parts of Dutywa to the Mfengu/abaMbo people and said in the time of war you will fight and die for me. Even today, iziduko zakwezo ndawo (Gcuwa, Tsomo, Ngqamakhwe) ziziduko ezikhoyo kwa Zulu because that is where you came from. Shaka's army actually came in 1824 in Trabskei following amamfengu but was driven back before they could cross Mthatha river. Then in 1827 a Ngwane Chief Matiwane came to Xhosaland to settle by force, he too was crushed and driven back.
Thanks. I'm of MIYA clan, raised as a Xhosa. I'm kind of confused beacuse I never new I'm also ZiZI or Dlamini. Can you tell me as a matter of history what really happened to this Nguni tribe thet became Xhosa, Zulu, and Swati?
Cha asisibo oMzizi singo Zizi. Mzizi oDlamini
Ayabong' amazizi amnyama, amhlophe ngenhliziyo.