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History of Mzangwa


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Khanyile Clan Names


  1. ntuthukozwane

    So, Israel as punishment scattered Reuben into every tribe of Israel and made them Bride tribes to co-rule with their brothers and thus every nation in Africa is a Zwane or Mzwanga.

    We were made Priests of Israel and you can see that as these priests got corrupted by rejecting the ONE true GOD and corrupted the whole of Israel. Till this day, umkhuba wokukhonza amaDlozi namadimoni ugcwele kwaZwane. It is wrong. It is not out true religion.

  2. ntuthukozwane

    SingamaThonga. AmaThonga ngesiSotho aBaTlokwa. NgesiNguni = Hlongwa. Bazalwa kwaNtombela or Tobela or Tovera or Tobane or Zubane or Zibane or Tubane etc.

    AmaZangwa are also called amaShaka or Ishaka or Issachar a tribe or Israel that make up the 3 tribes that initially formed Judah and the ruling structure of the Judges that we set up by Jethro/Reuel and Moses. Followers of Moses were called Ginites = MaGina or Ginindza or Gininda or Guinea and the followers or Reuel (who was a Median and part of the reason why uMnguni kuthiwa uGumede but also because Egypt at that time was called Khwemte or Kermet or Gemede or ngethe or Mgwede – Mangethe isithakazelo sakwaZwane but includes one amaZimakhwe = inzalo kaMachi or Miya and the rest or Nongama or Ngonyama and Mashobane) were called Rechabites or Rharhabe.

    Inzalo yamaKhosi akwaXhosa lawa KwaZulu. UGininda uZulu uqobo while uRharhabe uQwabe lo owayeyisikhulu semi yakwaZulu ebaQulusini ebizwa ngomQulusi. Indlu yabo ibizwa ngoKambay or Mkabayi or Mgwaba or Mageba no Phunga/Phalo, amaKhosi amakhulu akwaZulu. BangamaThonga because yonke amaThonga are descendants of houses that ruled over all Zulus.

    The 3 tribes that make up Judah:
    1. JUDAH = Lunda = Ndlovu = Tlou = Mtolo = Mzolo = Ndou = Sono = Njobvu = Nobvu = Toure = amaThole = amaTheko = Thekwa = Mantekwa or Mandeku = Luwa.

    2. Issachar = Zwane or Zwana or Zwanga or Dzonga or Moroka or Ronga or Zorka or Zaire or Zera or Zeroua or Siruya or Siloa or Silwa or Silango or Siwane or Siwela or Msane or Mshana or Basan or Basia or BaTlokwa or BaDogwa or Batau or BaNdau or BaNtungwa or BaDukwa or Thogu or Thohu or Nduku or Suku (Means absolute darkness) or Thuko or Zuko etc.

    3. Zebulun = Mathebola = MatheBango = Mandebele = Matabele = Mathe-Gadi = Mathe-Nyai = Mathane = Ethan = Mthiyane (ozalwa kwaCele or Ncelwa or Ncwane-Zungu) or Mathe-Zungu or Mazibuko or Sebola or Sebako or Sibeko or Sibindi or Zembethe (of the Sibiya House who bore Gazu and the rest of the Suthu/Sotho house). Gcaleka is the big house of this son of Israel. Gadi is also a tribe of Israel. Zebulun are the kings of Gadi or amaKhathi. Gcaleka are also called Maluleke or Maluleka or Chauke or Chalubi or Caleb or Fulani or Mvulane. Khathi is a house of Sibiya that stayed KwaHlabisa.

    • ntuthukozwane

      Onke amaBhele come from the Zwane house. Their base till today is Hlobane and surrounds Vryheid where there is iTshe lakwaZwane.

      AmaBhele onke angoNtuli. And there is no higher ranking Bhele than the Zwane house. Bonke pale in comparison. AmaBhele amaMbili or Beera or Phikelela or Biyela or Abiel or Simelane or Simeon another son of Israel and he is son no. 2.

      Zwane was the oldest, his name is Reuben. But he raped his father, Israel/Jacob’s concubine, Bilhar or Bila, and his father took both rulership and birthright from him. He birthright went to Joseph (Xesibe) = Benjamin or Kunene, Mashaba, Xesibe, Nanasi/Ngwanase/Manasse or Hlubi or Suph and Ephraim = Fulani or Mvulane or Mafulela or Mafuleka or Mambo-Linga or Phollathi or Mbulazi or Mbuyazi = Gcaleka. AmaGcaleka ahamba KwaZulu but abantu bakwaGcaleka bagcwele uZulu wonke kuze uyofika eMorocco.

  3. ntuthukozwane

    Mzangwa = Zwana = son of Ntombela. Ntombela were Kings of Zulus before Zulu became King. Ntombela bore Dlomo and other Zwane Tribes such as Mhlaba, Mchwayo/Ncwane/Ncelwa/Cele (sons of Ndosi/Machi/WaThusi/Tutsi/Ntose/Ntamonde/Ndawonde/Ndongande/Wahuma/Wungama/Nongama/Nongoma/Ngonyama, Cebekhulu/Mdolomba who bore Makhanya/Magaye/Ngai/Kei/Khayi/Giga/Gina/Ginindza/Guinea or Mkhwanazi or Vanwa’Nathi or Maonathi etc. More than 100 surnames.

    Zangwa = Zwaka = Zwana = Zwane = Zakwe (Zagwe were Zulu Kings based in Ethiopia before we moved down to South Africa – Google it). Zwane is also the tribe of King Shaka’s Mom through Mhlongo/Bhebhe who are part of the Bola/Phola/Zungu/Khathi/Makhathi or Gadi or Mngadi set up. OZwane/Zwanga bayindlu yakwaZulu encane, evela kumaNdebele abizwa ngokuthi abaThembu baseQhudeni (big house of Thembu people based in KZN), also called Nqotheni while Gcaleka and Zulu Royals are called Ncanana or Chanana (the Big House, Gcaleka being the Khanyile in the Thembu fold).

    Iziduko nezibongo ezifanayo zibhalwe ngezindlela ezihlukile. For instance, Mkhwanazi is a nation called Vanwa’Nati or Makua-Nyathi or Makua-Nazi or Makua-Mathe or Mathekwa (Where the word Thekwini comes from) or Mandeku (uMlambo lo onguZulu iSouth Africa jikelele). But Khanyile, Khanye, Khanyeni, Makhanya, Gaika, Gaile (Sibisi, Qaba, Mgwaba, Mageba, Mlaba, Meribaal or Sibiside), Ngai, Kei (as in Trans-KEI OR Cis-KEI), Mahaye, Mahai or Hai or Hari or Kgali or Gadi or Mngadi (oNgema, oXulu, oJiyane or Juhane or Johan etc.) etc. Is the same surname. Iziduko and surnames have nothing to do with who you marry and not in the strictest sense that is not why they were developed. The main reason was to tell our history of what brings us together not what separates us. Apartheid and ukudayisana did the rest.

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