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Tag: kasenzangakhona

Mpande kaSenzangakhona

Mpande kaSenzangakhona

Mpande kaSenzangakhona, born around 1798, ruled the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 until his death in 1872, making him the longest-reigning Zulu king. He ascended to the throne after overthrowing his half-brother Dingane with the help of Boer forces. Although his reign lasted 32 years, Mpande’s later years were marked by a decline in his power as his son Cetshwayo became the de facto ruler in 1856.

Mpande’s leadership was characterized by a desire for peace and stability, which often put him at odds with the more militaristic tendencies of his predecessors. He managed to maintain a delicate balance between the British and Boer interests in the region, although his reign was not without conflict, particularly regarding succession issues between his sons Cetshwayo and Mbuyazi. Mpande’s legacy is often viewed through the lens of his son Cetshwayo’s subsequent reign, which was marked by the Anglo-Zulu War and significant challenges to Zulu sovereignty.

Dingane kaSenzangakhona

Dingane kaSenzangakhona

Dingane kaSenzangakhona, born around 1795, became the king of the Zulu Kingdom in 1828 after the assassination of his half-brother Shaka. His reign was marked by significant events, including the infamous Weenen massacre, where he ordered the execution of Voortrekker leader Piet Retief and his party, leading to a series of conflicts with the Boers. Dingane established his royal capital at uMgungundlovu and sought to consolidate power, but his rule was plagued by challenges, including internal dissent and external threats.

In 1838, Dingane faced a major defeat at the Battle of Blood River against the Voortrekkers, which significantly weakened his position. Following this defeat, he was overthrown in 1840 by his half-brother Mpande, who was supported by Boer forces. Dingane’s life ended in exile, where he was assassinated in Hlatikhulu Forest. His legacy is often overshadowed by the brutality of his reign and the violent events that characterized his rule, but he remains a pivotal figure in Zulu history.

Izibongo zenkosi shaka kaSenzangakhona

Udlungwane kandaba
Udlungwane kambelebele
Owadlungul emanxulubeni
Kwaze kwas amanxuluba esibelanaa..

Usishaka akashayeki kanjengoshaka

Izizwe ezabekwa isilo uShaka KaSenzangakhona

Into eyenza kubenokuphikisana okukhulu kangaka phakathi kwabaNguni wukuthi kunezizwe ezabekwa nguShaka. Ngingenza isibonelo ngoNqetho.

Emva kokuba us haka enqobe uPhakathwayo kwaQwabe, wabeka uNqetho ozalwa ezindlini ezincane kwaQwabe.

Ngenxa yolwazi olufishane ungathola abantu bakwaNqetho abanye bengasazi ukuthi bangaMaQwabe, abaNguni.

Uzwe umuntu ephika ukuthi bavela kwaGumede, Mnguni kaYeyeye kodwa angakwazi ukusho umlando wesibongo sakhe before uShaka.

Umlando kaYeyeye, Gumede, Mnguni,njll, usukela emuva kuIshmaela kaAbraham. Baningi asebaphuma kulolozalo bagcine nabo sebenomlando wabo ongasamfali uGumede noMnguni noQwabe.

Noma bengasabafaki labokhokho babo ezithakazelweni, lokho akuwuguquli umlando wokuthi bayinzalo yakhona. Esinye isbonelo ngesabantu bakwaZulu.

NgamaNguni oZulu kodwa abanye babo abasamfaki uGumede noMnguni yize bezalwa khona. Abanye babethi noma sebehlubukile noma bagxoshwa emndenini ngezizathu ezithize bangakulibali ukuqhubeka negama likaMnguni ongukhokho wabo.

Kukhona ngisho abayisende likaKhondlo kaQwabe(okungesiwo umlando omdala kakhulu), asebekulibele ukuthi baphumaphi. UKhondlo wayenabafazi abaningi kanye nezingane eziningi.

Esinye isibonelo ngabantu bakwaMzimela, kuvelaphi ukuthi uMnguni ovela olwandle? Uma uthi indabuko yabo bakhe eMpangeni, uyazi yin I ukuthi leyondawo (Ongoye) bekungeyakwaQwabe? Abantu baseMazimeleni babekwa nguShaka kuleyondawo ngoba ingasenamuntu. Abantu bakwaQwabe babeyishiye kudala, engakazalwa noShaka lowo, sebethuthela eMthandeni.

Nabo abaKwaQwabe, akusibona bonke abathuthela eMthandeni. Ngakho-ke ukuthi “uQwabe ovela eMthandeni” yisisho nje, not isthakazelo. Emthandeni yikoMkhulu labantu bakwaQwabe kulesikhathi samanje.

OGumede, Qwabe, Mnguni, abanamncele, lonke izwe ngelabo.

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