Ke Makgopa’a Mmasegodi
Swanyana’a mankwe, re Batho ba go bowa Ga-mmamerithi mengwe Maloba, Batho Bo go ja ba jonka jonka nkego bogoxi Ga Se Bo mmasebefa re befa le kgoxi ya rena
Tag: Makgopa
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Agee, Ke Dinoko tsa Makgopa Thalabodiba, Dinoko tsa go boya khealeni kha mmamohuma. Ke baphalaborwaba ba ga Malatji bona ba go boya Phalaborwa bollanoto, Phalaborwa ga bo Malatji le Malatjiana, ba khe ngangisana gore letsatsi le kwa kae, Malatji a khere le kwa marung Malatjiana a khere le kwa kutung ya morula. Agee Dinoko weee, Ke tshaba mediti etlang natso rekwe, Dinoko !
Makgopa : If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES

Lwandle aluwelwa luwelwa ziNkonjane
Ntshishwayo wena wase Ndingazeni
Veziwomlomo Sihubela Sbhakuza salolukhethe
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