Meaning & Origin
Mkhonta is a Swazi surname, common in Eswatini and South Africa.
History & Notable People
It has historical significance among Swazi-speaking communities.
Meaning & Origin
Mkhonta is a Swazi surname, common in Eswatini and South Africa.
History & Notable People
It has historical significance among Swazi-speaking communities.
mkhonta, mhlungwane loluhlata njengencoshane, dhlabatsi wemtimhulu wena longena khoba ngobebelasalesiswini kunyoko,
wena lowagezela inkhosi ngenhla yabuta kutsi bobani labangudvungela emanti batsi mahlungwane,
watsi bayekeleni ngobe labu bantfu bahle kakhulu wena wasibukwane lomuhle masekuyoshona lilanga, dhlabatsi !
Dlabatsi Letimkhulu,
Wena Loluhlata Njengencoshane,
Mahle Emahlungwane Malishona lilanga !
Mkhonta: If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
Mhlungwane lolihlata lonje ngencoshane
Sibongi lesatiwa yinyoni !
Mkhonta: If you know any information about this surname, such as Mkhonta Meaning, Mkhonta Origin, Mkhonta History or Mkhonta Clan names, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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