Tag: Modise
Meaning & Origin
Modise is a Tswana surname meaning βshepherdβ or βone who guides and leads.β
History & Notable People
This surname is commonly found in Botswana and South Africa and is often linked to leadership and wisdom in Tswana culture.
Modise is a Sesotho name meaning βShepherd.β
Meaning & Origin:
Modise originates from the Sesotho language and represents someone who cares for and guides others, much like a shepherd with their flock.
Cultural Significance:
In Sesotho culture, Modise symbolizes leadership, care, and responsibility, often associated with spiritual or community guidance.
Notable People:
β Teko Modise: A renowned South African footballer.
Modise Meaning in English. Modise Clan Names. Modise history. Modise origin. Modise surname info is currently not listed.
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- Thandi:
- English: Loved one.
- Sotho: O rata.
- Hindi: ΰ€ͺΰ₯ΰ€°ΰ€Ώΰ€―ΰ₯€
Famous People:
- Thandi Newton β British actress.
- Thandi Modise β South African politician.
- Thandi Draai β South African DJ and producer.
- Obakeng: Tswana origin, meaning βgiven.β Famous People:
- Obakeng Seng β South African actor.
- Obakeng Modise β South African musician.
- Obakeng Thulo β Botswana poet.
Modise : If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
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