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Tag: Mokoka

Mokoka Meaning, Clan Names, Origin and History

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Mokoka Meaning in English. Mokoka Clan Names. Mokoka history. Mokoka origin. Mokoka surname info is currently not listed.

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Mokoka Clan Praises , Mokoka Meaning & History

Mokoka Clan Origin & Clan Names :

The Mokoka surname originates in South Africa. It belongs to the Bakwena Baphalane tribe, an offshoot of the Bakwena in Botswana and Bakwena ba Mogopa in South Africa.

The seat of the Mokoka surname is in Ramokokastad in the North West province. Mokoka is also found in the Mogalakwena area of Limpopo.

The first people to take the Mokoka surname were some of the children of Kgosi (Chief) Manake of Baphalane, also called Moatshe and RaMokoka, in the baptism of 1876. Kgosi Manake himself was never baptised and therefore never took on a surname. The most prominent adopter of the surname being his son Joseph Mokoka who became Chief. Kgosi Joseph Mokoka was followed by his son Chief Johannes Mokoka, also known as Maponyane, who features prominently in the Mokoka praise poems as “Rakoto wa bo Maponyane, sengalla matebeleng…”. Kgosi Maponyane was followed by his uncle Kgosi Jacobus Mokoka, before Kgosi Rakoto, Kgosi Maponyane’s younger brother from the second house of Kgosi Joseph Mokoka, took the throne. Kgosi Rakoto was the first chief to use the Ramokoka surname.

Mokoka clan surnames include Maponyane, Mafoko and Ramokoka.
Surnames related to Mokoka include Moatshe, Molobi, Letlape, Segone, Mauwane, Motlhamme, Botsi, and others

Mokoka praises: Kwena, Motlase, Mokoloboto

Mokoka ® clan names. Mokoka Surname Meaning 😍 Mokoka Origin. Mokoka History

Mokoka ® clan names. Mokoka Surname Meaning 😍 Mokoka Origin. Mokoka History

The meaning, origin and history of the Mokoka surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.

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