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Tag: Ndungwane
Ndungwane Clan
uBhejula uDiya uMaqath’alukhuni, uVelabemhentsele uHala
Where do Mpondo people come from?
According to the Mpondo oral tradition, they are the legendary descendants of Mpondo, the grandson of Sibiside who was the leader of the once-powerful Mbo nation (AbaMbo or MaMbo).
Mpondo people are part of AbaMbo group who migrated from the Great Lakes into modern-day South Africa, having settled along the way in areas like Zambia and Swaziland.
It is through king Sibiside that Mpondo the forefather of the nation emerges together with other well known nations. Mpondo people share a common lineage with AmaMpondomise, AmaXesibe, AbakwaMkhize, AmaBomvu and AmaBomvana.
Ndungwane clan
Ndithi koDiya, OBhejula, Amandungwane mabazomwabele eziholide.
Abo bazakuba sezindleleni banga bangafika kakuhle emakhaya