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Tag: Phiri
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Zithini izibongo zakwaPhiri?
AmaPhiri ngamaNyasa, adabuka eMalawi/Nyasaland, Iningi labacwaningi lithi Phiri lisho iNtaba ngesiTonga/Chewa, izibongo zisabalele emazweni aseningizimu ne-Afrika. I-Maravi yayiyizwe elasungulwa abantu baseChewa, inzalo yama-Amaravi, endaweni yaseLake Malawi, eMalawi yanamuhla, ngekhulu le-16.
Phiri Clan names:
Kalonga(the great ancestor)
Milandzi ,
Ntabamatanje wamphuno
Zikomo ,
Matshekombe !!!
Phiri ® clan names. Izithakazelo zakwa Phiri Phiri Origin. Phiri History
Kalonga (the great ancestor),
matanje wamphuno
Zikomo bambo
Banda(not sure)
Phiri’s are Nyasa, they are originally from Malawi/Nyasaland.
Most researchers say Phiri means Mountain in Tonga/Chewa,the surnames has spread all over southern Africa.
Maravi was a state established by the Chewa people, descendants of the Amaravi, in the area of Lake Malawi, in present-day Malawi, in the 16th century. The present-day name “Malawi” is said to derive from “Maravi” which itself means “fire flames”.
Phiri means Mountain in Tonga pronounced Pili…they belong to the clan of the Mankhambira, Tchakwanika and a Phiri royal chieftancy..Mankhambira being the paramount chief.
The Phiris are from the northern region of Malawi..namely Nkhata bay, Sanga,all the way up to the Tanzanian boarder etc.
As we all know that the people were nomads,they didnt settle in one place hence now we find a mixture of tribal surnames today and so worth but if we look at the foundations of the surname and founding ancestry is in Malawi..In Botswana there’s a royal family in Ramonaka Village.At its greatest extent, the state included territory from the Tumbuka and Tonga areas to the north to the Lower Shire in the south, and west to Luangwa and Zambezi valleys. Maravi’s rulers belonged to the Phiri matriclan and held the title Kalonga.
They ruled from Manthimba, the secular/administrative capital, and were the driving force behind the state’s establishment. Meanwhile, the patrilineal Banda clan, which traditionally provided healers, sages and metallurgists, took care of religious affairs from their capital Mankhamba near Nthakataka.After contact with the Portuguese, trade intensified.
It included such items as beads of the Khami type and Chinese porcelain imported via Portuguese intermediaries. In the 19th century, the state declined and the Maravi were frequently raided by their neighbors the Yao and captured for sale as slaves.
David Livingstone visited Lake Nyasa in 1859, and Protestant missionaries soon followed.Today, “Maravi” is also a generic name of the black tribes in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. They speak several languages, including Chichewa (Malawi’s national language), and speak other official languages: Portuguese in Mozambique and English in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Phiri ® clan names. Phiri Surname Meaning Phiri Origin. Phiri History
The meaning, origin and history of the Phiri surname is not listed.
This surname is prevalent in South Africa.
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