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General Standard–Royal Standard
1. Uhlanga
2. Muntu
3. Mnguni 1
4. Mithiyonke
5. Mnguni 2 ———-Mnguni
6. Nkosinkulu——–Nkosinkulu
7. Mdlani————–Mdlani
8. Gumede———–Luzumane
9. Nozimane———–Malandela
10. Malandela———Ntombela
11. Zulu—————–Zulu
12. Phunga———–Gumede
13. Mageba————-Phunga
14. (—–)————–Mageba
15. Ndaba
16. Jama
17. Senzangakhona
18. Sigujana, Shaka, Dingane
19. Mpande
20. Cetshwayo
21. Dinuzulu
22. Solomon Maphumzana
23. Cyprian Bhekuzulu
24. HM Goodwill Zwelithini
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