Bhose, Mdaca, Mlowa, Tshitsha, Myeni, Slevana, Qononda, Dumba ka Nobangula, unoyhini yhini namhla engenzanganto, uNdosele, urhintyela ngethwa-thwa… iinkomo ezikhuzwa ukuhlaba zingena mpindo.
Tag: Myeni Page 1 of 2
The Aba-Kwa-Myeni belong to the Ntungwa-Ngüni group, and are closely related to the Mabasos. Their original home was inland of the Babanango Mount at the source of the Mhlatüze river, some 20 miles inland of present day Ulundi.
In the early 1700`s the Chief was dying and there arose a dispute as to who would succeed him. One of the claimants to the throne, Mlambö by name, settled the dispute by moving, with as many of the tribe that would follow him, to the area of Qwabeleland around Eshowe, ruled by the Chief of the Qwabe, where Mlambö and his followers were allocated some land.
Mlambö died there around 1754, leaving two sons, (twins) Ngwenya (senior) and Ntsinde (junior), and the two divisions of the new clan were called aba-kwa-Ngwenya and aba-kwa-Ntsinde, and they lived together in Qwabeleland for some time.
Ngwenya died around 1790 and was succeeded by his son Duma.
Not long after his succession Duma fell foul of some evil portent when a ground hornbill, – (inTsingizi) – entered the Kraal.
Duma, in the face of this evil, fled with the major portion of his clan, ending up in the hospitality of the Tembu Chief on the River Tseleni near the coast just north of present day Richards Bay.
And so began some 30 years of unsettled history of the Myeni, with Duma and his people moving to
emaTubatuba; then being chased out of there as far as the enGwavuma River to the East of Swaziland where they eventually settled as vassals to Chief Zondiwe of the Mngomezulu.
Meanwhile Maguma, heir to the other twin Ntsinde, had decided to follow Duma and also settled in the same area with his clan sometime around 1820.
These lands eventually proved barren, and when Vuma, grandson of Maguma saw that his Ntsinde people were starving he begged a Chief Mpande to adopt them, and so were permitted to move south and to occupy land on both sides of the Mkuze River around the eTshaneni Mount (Ubombo).
This land was originally the land of the Soshangane, but was now under the control of
Shaka`s cousin Mapita.
Meaning & Origin:
Myeni is a South African surname of Zulu origin, connected to clan names or ancestral identifiers.
History & Notable People:
The surname is prominent in Zulu-speaking communities. Notable individuals include Sifiso Myeni, a South African football player.
Gqishelwa ngothwathwa!
Isizwe akwa myeki lesi sitholakala kwampukunyoni (MTUBATUBA) bazibiza ngo Gumede kodwa abasibo nhlobo oQwabe
Abayeki bangabokudabuka khona kwaMpukunyoni baphuma Kwa Myeni okushuthi inkosi yabo singasho sithi uMyeni esenyakatho nelika Zulu ezintabeni zoBombo, isbongo sabo saqhamuka ngesikhathi kufika abaKhwanazi KwaMpukunyoni babe sebethi abakwa Myeni bona ngeke baphathwe nhlobo ithonga emva kokuthi umkhwanazi esenikwe izwe.
Babe sebephambana nabo balibangisa enyakatho behlukana phakathi basala laba kwathiwa abayeki ngoba bayeke ubukhosi bayeke inkosi yabo.
Indlunkulu yabayeki/myeki ibizwa ngokuth kwaFuzunina okuyilapho kuzalwe khona amaqhawe okuthiwa abeyingxenye yempi, impi yasezinkunini. Usomshwaqu owagcina efele laphaya ezintabeni zasemachibini esekwaluseni ebulawa ibutho lika zibhebhu kamaphitha ngesikhathi lihamba lidla izinkomo.
Bese kube nendlu yakwa Dliwazimpisi elaphaya esigodini esiyembeni iphuma kwaFuzunina, kuphinde kube nendlu yasemapheleni osekuyigama lesgodi bese eyokugcina ibe eDubelenkunzi phezu komfuladlana inkolokotho.
Izithakazelo zakwa Myeki:
Njojo kamhlanga oyaya izingwe nezingonyama.
Mavundla kasiweya oweya ngamazibuko abanye beweyangomthantatho.
Ncwincwi ephuza kwezinde uzoba ithi ingaphuza kwezimfusha igquyeke umyomo.
Nyoni ebuya ngamahlahla
msunu unenkwantshu
Zitha kamphandaba
Mavundla kasiweya
Umsunu onenkwantshu
Zitha kamphandaba
Myeni clan history & origin:
The AbakwaMyeni belong to the Ntungwa-Ngüni group, and are closely related to the Mabasos. Their original home was inland of the Babanango Mount at the source of the Mhlatüze river, some 20 miles inland of present day Ulundi.
In the early 1700`s the Chief was dying and there arose a dispute as to who would succeed him. One of the claimants to the throne, Mlambö by name, settled the dispute by moving, with as many of the tribe that would follow him, to the area of Qwabeleland around Eshowe, ruled by the Chief of the Qwabe, where Mlambö and his followers were allocated some land.
Mlambö died there around 1754, leaving two sons, (twins) Ngwenya (senior) and Ntsinde (junior), and the two divisions of the new clan were called aba-kwa-Ngwenya and aba-kwa-Ntsinde, and they lived together in Qwabeleland for some time.
Ngwenya died around 1790 and was succeeded by his son Duma.
Not long after his succession Duma fell foul of some evil portent when a ground hornbill, – (inTsingizi) – entered the Kraal.
Duma, in the face of this evil, fled with the major portion of his clan, ending up in the hospitality of the Tembu Chief on the River Tseleni near the coast just north of present day Richards Bay.
And so began some 30 years of unsettled history of the Myeni, with Duma and his people moving to
emaTubatuba; then being chased out of there as far as the enGwavuma River to the East of Swaziland where they eventually settled as vassals to Chief Zondiwe of the Mngomezulu.
Meanwhile Maguma, heir to the other twin Ntsinde, had decided to follow Duma and also settled in the same area with his clan sometime around 1820.
These lands eventually proved barren, and when Vuma, grandson of Maguma saw that his Ntsinde people were starving he begged a Chief Mpande to adopt them, and so were permitted to move south and to occupy land on both sides of the Mkuze River around the eTshaneni Mount (Ubombo).
This land was originally the land of the Soshangane, but was now under the control of
Shaka`s cousin Mapita.
Izithakazelo Zakwa Myeni
Mnguni wasenhla
Wena waseNingizimu
Mabasendleleni zombili, enye ngeyokuya , enye ngeyokubuya
Gwebeshomnyama ,ophuza amanzi okuhlalelwa
Wena owabalekela insingizi ngokusindela uthi silwane
Mdlomba kaDuma
Wena ongengakanani ngoba nasentendeni yesandla uyahlala
Ngwenya kaMalambe
Impi yosongo kayilwi
kusho ukuthi abantu ngisho abantu bangasongelana kanjani akuvamile ukuthi balwe…..baze bashayane ngezandla.
Izithakazelo Zakwa Myeni
Mnguni wasenhla
Wena waseNingizimu
Mabasendleleni zombili, enye ngeyokuya , enye ngeyokubuya
Gwebeshomnyama ,ophuza amanzi okuhlalelwa
Wena owabalekela insingizi ngokusindela uthi silwane
Mdlomba kaDuma
Wena ongengakanani ngoba nasentendeni yesandla uyahlala
Ngwenya kaMalambe