meaning of names πŸ’› clan names πŸ’― history


Category: origin

Ngabe uNyathi ungumZulu noma ungumXhosa?

Ngabe uNyathi ungumZulu noma ungumXhosa?

Abantu bakwaNyathi batholakala eZimbabwe naseNingizimu Afrika. Kukhona ababuye babizwe ngokuthi ngamaNare abangabeSuthu-Tswana kanye nabangabaNguni (Zulu & Xhosa). Badabuka kwabeSuthu-Tswana besuka kwaBakgatla.

Sisukaphi isibongo sakwaMagagula? 😍 Magagula surname origin

Sisukaphi isibongo sikaMagagula?

Isibongo sakwaMagagula sitholakala eSwazini, eNingizimu Afrika nasezingxenyeni ezithile zeMozambique & Zimbabwe. Kuhlanganiswe nezinye izibongo ezifana noDuma, Mthombeni, Mseleku.

Sotho: Sotho Surnames

Sotho Surnames

Sotho Surnames and clan names

This is the page to website to find Sotho clan names

Feel free to search for the desired clan names / history info in the search box

Difference between Xhosa and Mpondo

Difference between Xhosa and Mpondo

If you know the difference between Xhosas & Mpondos, write a comment below

Gatsheni meaning

Gatsheni meaning

Gatsheni  may originate from the word β€˜igatsha’ which means β€˜leaf’.

The exact meaning is not known as language has evolves over time & names change.

Mthimunye Family

Mthimunye Family

E! Mthimunye
Nomaziyane kaMngoma
wena owangena esibayeni ungakavunuli
wavunuliswa nguNomaziyane ngendlini
ndayindayi Mngoma
mbambo ezaphekwa eziko ziqubalala
kwathiwa zephuleni zizakushisa abantwana
kwathiwa zizakushisa bani kwathiwa zizakushisa uDlabantu noMabugulu
jodwe limanzi amnandi

Mthimunyes sons are as followes
1.Somabonde-nomaziyane kamngoma)
2.Ndayi ndayi-(ndayi ndayi mngoma)
3.Mtjhayise-(Mtjhayise womngoma)

Mthimunye origin

Mthimunye origin

There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Mthimunye. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Mthimunye census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more.

There are 642 immigration records available for the last name Mthimunye. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey – from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure.

There are 1,000 military records available for the last name Mthimunye. For the veterans among your Mthimunye ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions.

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