Izuduko: Khatywa
Mthwana, mpemvu, zimbakhulu kwamanye amazimba, malandelwa yintombi ithi ndizeke, ncandiya, fulela mfazi izindlu ziyanethwa zingamaxhokovu. Malobola ngobende.
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A surname is part of a clan name system, which is different from a surname. Clan names are shared across a clan within a culture, while surnames are passed down from the father's side of the family.
Moalafi surname info. if you have some info on this surname such as its clan names, origin or history, please add in the comments below.
Pukwana is the Surname Clan names Khumalo Mntungwa Mdletye Mzimkhulu Langa Scaba Noyila Mbulaza Omnyama Ndabezitha Bhodlinyamendala Dibandlela Nonjojo Milambo ayiwelwa iwelwa zinkonjane Mzilikazi kaMashobane Zikode This surname is found in Tsomo. There were born from the following Surnames; Pukwana Tshangane Mgoqi Ngaba and Sijemlana All these families are foundβ¦
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