meaning of names 💛 clan names 💯 history


Izithakazelo zakwa Hlatshwayo Clan Names and brief history

Izithakazelo zakwa Hlatshwayo 😍 Hlatshwayo Clan Names and brief history
Abantu bakwa Hlatshwayo bahlobene nabakwa Ngwane nabase Swazini.
Ulibo lwabo luhamba kanje:

Mhayise, Langa, Hlatshwayo, Sophikwase, Cebisa, Ngwanya, Mhlaba, Mgogodlane, Siyendane, Muleshe, Mhlaba2, Mgogodlane2 (Swazini)

Indlu yase Bergville:
Mgogodlane, Makhwelela, Shali, Novoyi (Somtseu) Siphiwe, Thulani, Siyendane, Manukuza, Mgezeni, Bambuhlanga.

Indlu yase Gege:
Muleshe, Mahubhu, Velamuva.

Nazi izibongo zakwa Hlatshwayo:
Ngwanya, Siyendane,
Gidogongweni ovalumnyango ngamakhanda amadoda,
Cebisa ka Mbengeshe,
Wena owacebisa amakhosi,
Mhayise wako Langa,
Hlatshwayo abahlabizinkomo zamadoda esibayeni,
Bazidle bangasolwa,
Nina enanqoba ibutho lika Gobizembe,




Ndebele of Musi


  1. Ntokozo

    Ntokozo Hlatshwayo from Zimbabwe …I family yethu yiyo kuphela eyakwahlatshwayo ezim….ngijabula kakhulu ukuthola imvelaphi yethu …

    • Elfas Dumisani Hatshwayo

      Mina nkhulela la e sehlakwane I family yakwa Hlatshwayo yith ekhaya kphela ,bengfuna ukwaz iyhlobo zam

  2. Sir kaMhayise

    Ngicela owazi ihubo lwaka HLATSHWAYO

    • Mandlenkosi Hlatshwayo

      Ekhaya ko Malume Ngyakhuleka.. Lisho kanjena:-

      “Wabulala amakhosi, ingwe yohlanga

      Mana nkonyane yohlanga,

      Ungwanya bamazi izwe lonke, izwe lonke

      Nkonyane yamaNgwanya, bayethuka

      Soka siwashise amankengane, sicwecwa izizwe”

      • Prince Hlatshwayo


  3. Khanyo hlatshway

    What i want to knw mina zikalala fika njani ka Hlatshwayo

  4. Duma

    Yes, a Hlatshwayo can marry a Dlamini. In fact many Dlaminis and Hlatshwayos in both Swaziland and South Africa has intermarried.

    i am syill to consult with my elders to find out about my lineage (our lineage from Mahubhulu to earlier times; if ever possible.

  5. Duma

    I agree with you Linda. I totally disagree with what Mr Zwane has said.

  6. Ntuthuko Zwane

    The Hlatshwayo can also be written as Hlatshwa or HalaTshwa – indicating the meeting of 2 tribes. The Tshwa is the Tswa tribe of the Tsonga (Tsonga actually means Tswa+Ronga (pronounced Dzonga). The other tribe that forms part of the name is the Hala – AmaHala or AmaHla or AmaDla are part of the Makua or Makwa clan that came from a Sibiya lady and your common ancestor, Chaluba or Qelebe or Calubi or Caleb, the son of Mzolo/Mtolo/Zulu or Ezlon/Hesron, who is the son of Judah and a twin (with Zela/Zera/Zila/Zorka/Zonga or Dzonga, son of Judah), the sons of . Makwa also has another clan where his wife was Naara or Naala or Nwala – this gave rise to the name Vanwa’nathi – the second part I suspect because they mixed with Mntungwa or Maonathi or the Velanathi priests or Amalevu – not sure yet. The Sibiya do have a praise line that says “iNkomo esengelw’ emaweni (maoeni), yasengelwa esibayeni, akusiyona eyakhona.”

    Tswa comes form the older brother of Mzolo/Zulu/Msolo/Msolwa/Mtolo, called Sela or Sera or Silo or Shilo or Shela or Shera. You might know them as Gasela or Ga-Sera which are the people we call AbaTwa (Central Africa) or AbaThwa (Southern Africa). There are lots more ways this surname is written such as Shilo, Mashilo, Mashiloane etc. Shilo’s mother was called Aaliyah, daughter of Sue or Swa or Shewa or Shuwa, the Canaanite or Umncanana). The Twas came down from Mozambique and occupied KZN as the Mthethwa clans and their associated Xhosa, Sotho and Tsonga Tswa tribes.

    USibiya is actually quite a big clan for us Bantus. The women of Sibiya have kept us going for quite a while as the daughters of Sibiya have intermarried to produce a lot of families. The line goes like this. Abraham, begat, Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob/Israel/Isahel/Isahle, Israel begat Judah/Dumisa, who begat, Hesron/Ezron or Hesoron or Hezoron or Hetolon or Hezulun = Zulu, who begat Caleb/Chalubai or Celebe or Calubi, who married Abia or Sibiya or Mabiya to produce Thecua or Thekwa (Makua) who then marries Naara on one side and has issue and then marries Halaa on the other side and gives birth to sons: Sereth/Seleth – mSelethi/Sereti, Isaar (so you have HalaBisaar or Hlabisa (Mgabhi and Mugabe also come from here as Mga Bisaya) and Ethnan or Hala + Ethnan = Hlathi which can be written as Khathi.

    In Africa, the Twa are part of the Swa people who then make up one third of the Mbuti or Phuthi setup. The other part are Efe and Asua or Asuati. These are tribes in Central Africa. Just google it. On the other hand, the Makua are all over Africa and the world as they were the most-traded slaves in Southern Africa. Most South Africans of this group are released slaves of the 1600s to 1900s AD. Some were some of the 65,000 slaves that were brought to cape Town by the Dutch and British, often from other places assuming that they did not come from here. Some came from India, people of dark-skin and some of mixed race who claim to be indian or coloured or white today. The Phuthi fall under the Tlokwa or Hlongwa hold with strong routes in Zululand, North West (Zulus calling themselves Tswanas) and Mozambique.

    The Makua/Makwa are also part of the Mijikenda (a social-military-political arrangement in Kenya-Tanzania where we have a lot of tribes that have our history in better quality) which consists of nine clans made up of the:
    1. Makua – who Mjikenda claim have Mozambican 1400s AD origin.
    2. Diko (or Dingo as in the Mandingos – the historians say they only exist in West Africa, wrong – The Bhaca in particular claim this line and they also claim they come from Ntombela KaZulu.
    3. Kamba – hidden treasures of Africa. Widely known as Bhayi (the tribe of PE), Mamba (Mkhize and Mbulazi Tungwa clan), Mbai (Zim), Nyai (Zim and Moz), Pai (Pedi and Zim), Mumbai (as Kadamba and the remnant tribes) – a city in india – it gives you the clearest detail of the hidden nature of who we are – India is about half black or mixed with negroes like myself the ones that came here are just white people that have mixed with us and then just mixed with themselves. If they mix with white people only, they will eventually turn white again over 2-3 generations. No one is telling us, WHY? These 3 make up a lot of the tribes in South Africa, regardless of language. Language in fact is inconsequential. If we had to ignore language and looked at facts. Blacks in South Africa would claim that close to 90% are Zulu or Israelites (if they knew the info).

    To verify my details, use the Douay Rheims catholic Bible and read chronicles from start to finish and make notes. Also read up on tribes from other countries and compare to our praise names. You can just google them. But be sensible and use intra-Bantu language rules. For instance, Mpemba = Bemba = Kamba = Kadamba and then go in and verify this and move on.

    The last thing is that Mtolo gave birth to Chaluba who gave birth to Hur (Chaluba had 6 wives and a lot of children – it’s all in the Bible). Hur in South Africa is called Hulu or Hulubi or Hlubi or Hurutse-Khuluse or simply Khulu or Ngulu or Kuru as in Kurumane, who was Mzilikazi’s son. In the rest of Africa he was called Kru or Kuyu as in Gikuyu (a Kenyan tribe that has the same surnames, customs and are carbon copies of us and us them – especially the Sothos but they do not claim to be Sothos- it is prudent to note that some in Kenya and neighboring Uganda-Burundi-Rwanda do claim to be Huthu which = Suthu. Before the break-up, to cut a VERY long story short, the Hlubi used to travel or have politically governing association with the Sela-Sua and the Zonga-Asua or ASwati and they were called by Sela’s first born’s name HerHer or Helehele or Ngelengele. Her means merciful and gracious, referring to God. This is seen in my name Siphesihle or Siphesihele (you’ll find Siph or Sipha or Zepho – meaning gift, to be a Biblical name) in its original form. But Hele is also written as Tele or Tle or even Tre, Ger or Gele or Ngelengele or Gere or Jere or Here etc. – this is why Gere is a big surname with Bantu and it means the opposite of Jail. In SA you see it as the showing of one of the largest black polity – the Mmutle Koena or the Mvundla(ne) Sotho-Zulu clan. Let’s also not lose that Satle or Sahel also means Israel which means: “You have contended with man and you have contended with Angel, therefore God has been gracious and merciful to you.” The false Hebrews who write about it now, do not understand the last part. If you read about how they interpret the Bible, you will find out how much guess-work is involved. I find that I can understand some sections better because I understand Nguni and Zulu. Jacob had wrestled all night with an Angel and indeed anyone who can even talk to an Angel has God’s grace and mercy. He wrestled the Angel THE WHOLE NIGHT!

    Enough said?

    • Zakhele kaMalandela

      This is very comprehensive and well researched. I would appreciate the contacts of Mr Zwane to get more information. I’m very passionate about this topic – our geneology from Abraham/Noah to what we know today as Nguni/abaNgoni/Zulu Nation.

      • Gugu

        It’s comprehensive but totally wrong. Unfortunately.

    • Linda hlatshwayo

      Much of what you wrote here is wrong…coming from a Hlatshwayo..

      • Linda hlatshwayo

        Meaning what Mr Zwane wrote

    • Given Dlamini

      As a Hlatshwayo, I completely disagree with you Mr Zwane.

  7. Sibusiso Hlatshwayo

    Personally i know about all these versions and some of the history from many elders i have gathered information from, and when they tell you about this history they would always emphasise that anything else is not true. So would i be wrong by concluding that these are just man made theories without evidence hence there is no one who come with one history containing some form of proof without these many VERSIONS. This word tells me a lot about many people who are happy about this with no questions asked. Yes i do know that we originally come from Swaziland, but really guys im not happy about how people tell their own VERSION History on how we came about here in South Africa and the Origin of our Surname

  8. At last I know who am I and I know where am going.Thank you very much about this fruitful information of my forefathers and my ancestors of the greatest surname Hlatshwayo.

  9. Luyanda Makhwasa

    Ngiyacela nina be Nguni ngicela onolwazi ngesibongo sakwa Makhwasa umsuka waso nomake onolwazi oluncane ngingaluthokozela kakhulu

  10. Zanele

    Ngicela ningifakela izithakazelo noma izibongo ezihambelana no Mhlongo bakwethu

  11. mthunjwana maphosa

    Hello to everybody I would like to know more about my clan aboMaphosa because it is said that uHlatshwayo is our ultimate ancestor and he begot uMgamezulu who then started the Maphosa surname,by the way I am swati

  12. Dumisa Hlatshwayo ka Sipho ka Zaba ka Ndumanduma ka Dodomba.


    Umlando wethu uyadida kanye namakhosi ethu athulile ngalesizwe esihle samaHayise. Ngichaza ukuthi singami endaweni eyodwa futhi sazi ukuthi sikhonza kwamaphi amakhosi kulezwe. Masihlangane isizwe madoda futhi sibambisane, ngisho uHlatshwayo Eswazini, eMpumalanga, eZimbwabe, eMozambique,KwaZulu, eSoshangane kanye nase Goli imbala. Sizalwa isende elilodwa manje kwamele sihlanganise isizwe. kwamele sibuyele emakhosini ethu siyenze umhlangano wethu.

    Mhayise wakho Langa. Cebisa amakhosi

  13. Talatiya Hlatshwayo

    Okunye ngiyahambisana nakho kodwa okungye kuyaphuma kimi ngokolwazi lami, nophando englwenzile, ngokozalo ikakhulu olwase Kzn, umkhunyane, Dumbe ne Nquthu. Ngyethemba iqiniso sizolithola elifanayo. ihubo langapha liyehluka kancane kuleli kepha thina e Dumbe nabase Mkhunyane nabase Nquthu silicula ngokufana ngyofisa ngwanya sike sixhumane no Nqobile Hlatshwayo wase Swaziland ngnesiqiniseko unawo ama details angasisiza sonke, bese ng cela nawe silekelelane ngonyaka wokuzalwa kwa Syendane

  14. Phesheya

    Ngingu Majaha Hlatshwayo umtukulu wa matokilihlane lotalwa ngula sacolo Bana sitimane bavela enquthu.

  15. kingsley

    its good to know that i have i brother is south Africa

  16. lindokuhle

    Lindokuhle Hlatshwayo from Standerton ngibonga ukwaz izithakazelo zam kudala ngitshelwa okungaasizo



  18. john nyalungu

    Thank you for the latest historical background and latest posts with praises well done .more posts please we are becoming more enlightened Nyalungu,Mbethe,(Mbetse),Hlatshwayo

  19. Nyalung
    Bulongo betinkomo
    Uma tiya emhlangeni
    Ti tsi:mhoo!
    Khahlabeza be Sotho
    Lesalwe ngu ngwane
    Ngu ngwane
    Siciba lesi ngahlalwa
    Nyoni ingahlala
    Iyayela phelekezela
    Inyatsi iye ka
    Mayipha ,nine bo
    Mgango muhle ,
    Bolevu ezimhlophe
    Njengama shobe
    Nyalunga mbetse
    By Bheki Mduduzi Nyalunga


    Check out Imbongi yamaNdebele on Youtube

  21. Phindile

    Hi all,I would like to know the difference between the Nene clan & the Kunene clan because I’m really confused the origins of my people, thank you

  22. Rev Duma Hlatshwayo

    From what l have heard from my from Chief Velamuva who is a brother to my father’s grandfather, the Hlatshwayos come from the Dlaminis through Prince Cebisa Dlamini (Nkhosi). Prince Cebisa is King Mswati I’s brother. He left Swaziland to get a wife from the Zulus. He got his first wife in Pongola and built his home there. His second home was built at Mkhunyane (Commondale, not far from Paulpietersburg) for his second wife. He built his home at a place called Bergville (near New Castle) for his third wife. It was when he was at Bergville that he decided to visit home (Swaziland) to show his family some of his children. When Cebisa arrived home, there was ‘sibhimbi’ (some kind of celebration in the royal kraal (in the Shiselweni Region). During that celebration, King Mswati saw his brother Cebisa’s beautiful daughter and took her as wife and then told him that he is no more a Nkhosi but a Hlatshwayo because ‘usemhlabile’ (stabbed him) by taking his daughter as one of his wives (a practice that is common among Swazi kings since they are not Dlaminis or Nkhosis but ‘Bayethes.’). This made Prince Cebisa very angry that he left immediately for South Africa and remained there until his death. His tomb is on a mountain not far from Commondale.

    The lineage of the Hlatshwayos at Gege is as they are put but Mleshe’s son is not Mahubhu but Mahubhulu, who came to Swaziland and joined King Mswati II’s regiment and made himself a name there since he was a man of valour (ingwazi). After realizing his victories in war, the king gave him his brother Prince Lukhwabitsi’s daughter as one of his wives and asked Chief Mshengu of eMashobeni (in the Shiselweni Region) a piece of land for him. This is the land which is occupied by the Hlatshwayos at Gege. It covers the land from the Mahamba-Piet Retief road next to Mahamba border gate to Ndlotane river near Magubheleni.

    Since a princess can not be ruled by a commoner, Mahubhulu became chief in his land. By that time Mahubhulu was a very old man but at such an old age his new wife commonly called ‘laLukhwabitsi’ gave birth to a son, ‘Velamuva,’ thus named because he was of his half-brothers’ grandchildren’s ages. After Mahubhulu’s death, Velamuva became chief of the area, and the place is also called, ‘eMlindazwe’ because Mahubhulu said he was keeping watch over it for Chief Mshengu of eMashobeni who was ‘insila yeNkhosi Mswati.’

    The ‘izithakazelo’ for the Gege Hlatshwayos differ from those of the other Hatshwayos. I will write them the way l was taught by some of my elders:-

    Hlatshwayo, Mhayise, Ngwanya, Cebisa wengwenyama lowacebisa emakhosi, Mabhengeta, Matsintsane lowatsintsa intsanga yakhe eMfabela watsi tinyawo tenkhosi yetfu tonakele, toniwe kusindza kukhala kumasoka, batsi Ngwanya wondzile kantsi Ngwanya ukhahlelekile, Ngwanya akangakanani ngobe nentsendzeni yesandla angahlala, Ngwanya lowabhula ingwe kwavuka ingwenyama, Ngwanya lomuhle wakalaMlobela.



      Ngwanya, please write your lineage from Cebisa to yourself. Siyendane!

  23. Lizwe Hlatywayo

    I am a proud Hlatywayo ,happy to know where we originate ,thanks guys for the information

    • xolani

      hy lizwe hlatywayo..i am xolani hlatywayo from bushbuckridge I want to ask if weather I am a mhayisa or what because the spelling is not the same as the other surname hlatshwayo

    • xolani

      hy lizwe hlatywayo..i am xolani hlatywayo from bushbuckridge I want to ask if weather I am a mhayisa or what because the spelling is not the same as the other surname hlatshwayo.

  24. Simon Nyalungu

    Very interesting indeed. Need to hear more about Nyalungu/Mbete, Hlatswayo

    • nobayeni hlatshwayo

      ngiyabonga kwazi izithakazelo zami ngiyazi kona kuthi ngingu mhayise,ngwanya, siyendane, selenduna, Dade elibhula manzi ubone manzi ngekudungeka, scabhe esihle esihlalela makhosikazi, slevu leside lesiphephethwa umoya, manje ngicakwa ukuthi azifani lezithakazelo engatshelwa zona nalezi engizibona lapha ngicela ningincede kuleyo ndawo

      • Sihlisizwe Hlatshwayo

        Mhayise! Ngwanya! Siyendane! Cebisa, ungakhathazeki kakhulu ngokuhluka kancane kwezithakazelo. Lokhu kulindelekile ngoba vele izithakazelo ziyashintsha kuye ngomuzi odabuka kuwo noma isigodi ovela kuso. Wokhumbula ukuthi uma oHlatshwayo behlukana ngenxa yezimpi zeLembe , umlando awuzange ume ndawonye. Isibonelo, abadabuka eSwazini bayaye bathi “Gid’ogogweni” babuye bathi “Mashiyamahle” (Okuyisithopho). Bakususela ezehlakalweni ezenzeka ngemva kokuhlukana kwesizwe, yingakho lezi zingatholakali eKZN. Kanti eKZN kukhona ababiza u”Makhwelela”, ongabizwa eSwazini. UMakhwelela umfowabo Siyendane owayeyinkosana yamaNgwanya onke. Angazi ukuthi uyitholile impendulo Ngwanya? Okubalulekile ukwazi uhlu lozalo lwamakhosi akwaMhayise nokuthi wena uvela kumuphi umuzi.

  25. mvulane hlatshwayo

    kuyathokozisa engikuzwa ngomlando wakithi.futhi ngiyakukholwa.

  26. mulungi Hlatshwayo

    Plz inform us of any meetings of the Hlatshwayo clan. I have once attended the meeting.

  27. snamandla hlatshwayo

    ngyabonga ukwazi imvelaphi yakithi yasemandulo ngyanithanda nonke maswazi amahle nonke ezweni

  28. Ngaze ngaytholi mvelaph yam namuhl kudal ngfuna ukwaz ngayo i am Swazelihle

  29. Winners Xihlahla

    I’m happy that we still have people who are ready to find a lot about our history, My surname is known as Xihlahla in Tsonga which is said to be a nguni surname Sihlahla, it is said to be related to Hlathikhulu, Muthimukhulu n others I will be very glad to here much about Sihlahla clan.

  30. Bheki

    Ngicela ningithumelele indlela okuculwa ngayo ihubo lakithi kwaHlatshwayo,from bheki xulu(ozalwa uHlatshwayo ongubaba wami)

  31. mduduzi

    am so happy to have gained so much knowledge about my surname. Ngiyabonga bo Ngwane. Ngele ngele

  32. Khethi Ephraim Hlatshwayo

    Kunjani mfethu kunobukhosi bemaNgwanya dundonalt (mpumalanga) ngiyafisa nekwati lelihubo lakitsi

    • John Benson

      If possible research OR explain which house do we come from I am Nyalungu,Mbetse or Mbete,Hlatshwayo.From any such praise surnames or clan praises which is sinior if it is in this order.One old man explained that we are descendants of Ngizwangendaba who was a warrior of the then amabuthu ka Shaka but ran away from Kwazulu to Mozambique.We are now living in Bushbuckridge since the 1700ds

      Thank you for all previous posts which books can I access to know more

  33. Marosie Abraha m Hlatshwayo

    cobo lwami ngya bonga ukuvha isbongo sakitshi njengoba bengise emuvha ngelwimi labo mama amashangane.

  34. Nina beKnene angbonge ukthola ulwazi ukwandisa emgodleni lenginawo

  35. mandla hlatshwayo

    sengathi singahlangana sonke isizwe socebisa

  36. Ngiyabonga mahayise nine eningavali ngemivalo enivalangema khandza amadvodza i’ll truly apprecite dis as i fnd out more abt my history nd my root i hve gained more knowlegde nine bekunene ngele ngele

  37. Sibusiso Nyalunga

    l am Nyalunga “Mbethe”. I am no more worried whether the spelling is Nyalunga/u “Mbetse or Mbethe”. My main worry is to know the family “praises”(izibongo); whether it be in Zulu,Swati or Shangani. Any one out there, please help. Mbethe



  38. Sherrington Tawanda Kuyayabo Hlatshwayo

    I am Sherrington Kuyayabo (Kuyabo) Hlatshwayo. A descendant of the group that came through Mozambique with Soshangane and I was made to understand that my grand father was Kuyayabo a worrior in Ngungunyana’s army. My father grew up an arphan and told us very little about our history. As a young boy an old lady living near us used to mention names like : Mahlabelakudhe,Magwazangothi,Ndhlukula, Mafuleke and a few others which she said were the line of the Hlatshwayos from Swaziland . I was born in the then Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 70 years ago and grew up as a Ndau boy. I therefore do not speak any other language except a bit of English and Ndau. I am very very interested to know my /our roots. I was very touched with your narration but could hardly understand fully. Any chance of you putting all this and your future research in English ?

    • Mhayise

      It is my pleasure to see that some people benefit with what we are doing. I will try to write in both English and IsiZulu next time although it will be hard to translate in some case.


        At my age knw my history it amazng thanks to Mhayise which you long life big brother keep on risng Isizwe sikwaHlatshwayo


        Mistake wish you long life big brother

      • Themba Hlatshwayo

        Sawubona mfo wethu mina ngingu Themba ka-Hlatshwayo ngijabula kakhulu name ukubona nokuzwa ngalokhu enikwenzayo ukuze sazi kahle nathi ngemvelaphi yethu boMhayise.Ngiyabona izithakazelo zika-Hlatshwayo lapha zibhaliwe nangendlela ezihluka ngayo kodwa ke mina kukhona engikwaziyo nokungekho kulezi zithakazelo nengingathanda ukuthola incazelo ngakho khona kungukhuthi:Hlatshwayo mhayise ngwanya nglabo gama wena owabhula lihlatsi lembongeni wathi libhulwe ngumthakathi.ngicela incazelo ngawo lamagama bafowethu

      • nonkululeko

        Thank you,my name is nonkululeko silindokuhle Hlatshwayo from Newcastle ngokuzwa kuthiwa original siphuma eswazini abokhulu beza ngapha emzansi abazange besabuyela emuva ngisho Obaba bethu abazi lutho,lokho kungiphatha kabi ukungazi langivela khona please help me

      • Duma Hlatshwayo

        Evening maHayise. Thank you for the comments concerning our different izithakazelo. My father used to say it over and over that we from Commondale (eKhomondeni) and from Gege are not of the Khobongo (not Khobobo) lineage.

        Chief Velamuva has a son here in South Africa but l can not mention his name without finding out from him if he wants to be mentioned here. If he agrees, l would like him to add to this history.

    • Sihlisizwe Hlatshwayo

      Mhayise! Cebisa! I may not have more knowledge of the names you mentioned but I can confirm that Soshangane left with some Hlatshwayo warriors when he fled to Moz. History tells us that the Hlatshwayos and all the clans that occupied the Pongola area where on the side of Zwide kaLanga and his general-in-chief Soshangane in their fight against Shaka. In those days regiments were formed not by surname but by age group. Hence you’d find a Hlatshwayo, Tshabalala, Sibiya, etc in the same regiment. Now when he fled, Soshangane alias Manukuza, took some regiments under his authority with him to Moz. That’s why you will find Hlatshwayos, Chabalalas, Sibiya, Khozas now residents of Zim.

      • Siphesihle Hlatshwayo

        Can a Hlatshwayo marry a Dhlamini?

  39. Mina ngiyabonga ngalolulwazi esilotholayo,bengingazi ukuthi sihloniphana nobani.Thina esiphila manje siyatha/wa kwa Nkosi noDlamini ngoba yibona okhokho bethu labo?

    • thank you so much Nyalungu my brother as i have mentioned before that i m from bergville coming from Swaziland as my family back ground .but what i m happy about is that we have people in MOZAMBIQUE AND BUSHBACK RIDGE in extend siyabonga boMHAYISE to everyone in this link lets share

    • John

      Help me trace the family tree of Nyalungu,Mbetse,Hlatshwayo most of whom are now around Bushbuckrige,Sabie,White River,Nelspruit,Giyani and their surrounding areas.Grandfathers raceable goes as far as Madzovo,Ridonga or Lidonga and Matikwana

      • Sihlisizwe Hlatshwayo

        Mbetse! Bulongo betinkomo! In history there was a Hlatshwayo who sired Zwangendaba. In my research about the Hlatshwayo clan, I found out that this Hlatshwayo (name) was of the Jele/Gumbi/Tshuma clan and not related to Hlatshwayo (surname). He, of the name, is younger compared to the one of the surname by 2 or 3 generations. We the Hlatshwayos, are definitely not related to the Jele family of surnames. But research is a live thing, it changes with time so maybe there will be more information about Hlatshwayo the man. What is confusing is that there are descendants of Hlatshwayo (name), who now reside in countries like Tanzania who claim that their Hlatshwayo had the same clan praises as ours. Another issue is that Zwangendaba did go to Moz and stayed a few years there and then crossed to Zim. So the Hlatshwayos in those countries need to be sure which family they belong to. Which is not easy because there were Hlatshwayos (surname) who went with Soshangana and Mzilikazi to those respective countries in the same period. The only convincing fact which at least gives guidance in this discussion lies in that the Nyalungu never intermarry with the Hlatshwayos. So it is not in the name, but the clan, that there’s a relationship. My opinion of course.

  40. John

    Thank you it is awesome,this is what we need in an era which is dominated by western culture and influence.Please paste more of anything you have found from oral/written history .
    I am Nyalungu Hlatshwayo Mbetse(Mbethe) born from the clan of Madzovo,Ridonga,Matikwana,Bandi,Khakheni who is my grandfather born around the Lower Sabie area in the now Kruger National Park around 1885. and My research has pointed to Ngizwangendaba grand grand parent who I am told was a warrior who fled the wars of Shaka Zulu through Mozambique,afterwhich some of his descendants went to Swaziland while some through to South Africa.We are at Bushbuckridge(Mkhuhlu and surrounding areas including Acornhoek).Anyone with more information please post what you have and lets celebrate our rich heritage.Nyalungu,Hlatshwayo ,Mbetse

  41. Nothile Hlatshwayo

    Mhayise..mabhengeta….ka Hlatswayo akuvalwa ngemivalo kuvalwa ngamakhandza emadvodsa…..siyabonga kakhulu singo Mhayise!!!!

  42. thanks mhayise ngolwazi so can i ask if there is imihlangano yamahayise somewhere mhlambe nami ngizo zama ukuthi ngibe inxenye yayo

  43. mlungisi

    Ukhulu wathi ungida egoge yinto eyayisho ubuzimuzimu. Bathi amadodana Kahlatshwayo waxabana lo omdala wathutha nomama ongama lakhe kwakunguKhobongwane bayohlala ehlathikhulu lapho abantu babethi uma bedlula bekathi ngida egogeni khobongwane umuntu asindwe yizinyawo bambambe bamundle. Wathi kungakho bebathi oHlatshwayo amabhengetha.

    • Busisiwe

      I knw dat cuz ubabomcane wam told m dat

      • Sihlisizwe Hlatshwayo

        Cebisa, uyiveza kahle indaba ngoba akusiwo wonke uHlatshwayo ongu Gid’gogweni. Eminye imizi ikakhulikazi eKZN iyayiphika lena ngoba yona ayizange ivelelwe yilomshophu wokulahlekelwa konke ize igcine ingamazimu. Ngakho uma uthole uHlatshwayo wothi Cebisa, Ngwanya,Mgogodlana, Mhayise, Siyendana,Ngele, Swazi. Ungaqhubeka uma wazi ukithi lomuntu oxoxa naye owamuphi umuzi.

  44. mlungisi

    Ukhokho; Magadamphefu Eshade no NaThabethe umkhulu uGagade eshade no Namfusi. Izingane uNomathemba, uNkosana, bhubhane, noNomasotho. Basuka emahasoni. Manje sesahlala eheidelberg nase Evanton.

  45. mlungisi

    Nina izithakazelo engizaziyo . UHLATSHWAYO, mahayise , ngwanya, ngelamuthi,wogama, kwasha kama kwasala iziphunzi,zasala zibaloyanisa nina baka siyanomthwalo katshabalala ,siyendane

  46. coltrane

    Siyabonga mhayise omhlophe ngokusifunza ngemvelaphi yethu ume njalo

  47. Antonio francisco

    I am from mozambique gaza macia
    my grand father was a chief of place called kamutlabwe he’s name. Rehano. The only thing I still recalls is songandaba ghovhanilhatswayo. Can it be by any bet we are lhatswayo.
    if yes help me to understand and to know my isibongo and isithakazelo please


    Am rili happy to gt mor infor abt who I’m ed whr am cmng frm as MHAYISe irilly iappreciate dt

  49. sbonge
    Mhayise omhlophe qwa njengehlabathi zolwandle ngolwazi osicobelela
    ngalo sithi unwele olude lapho Ngelengele ume njalo uqhubeke ubasize
    nabanye ubachazele ngomlanda wakithi Mhayise Ngelengele

  50. Syabonga mfethu ngolwazi oscobelela lona.
    Mina ngazi okuhlukile kulukhu okubhaliwe mayelana nokwakheka kwesibongo uHlatshwayo edabuka Ku Nkosi.

    • Mduduzi Hlatshwayo

      i thank you too boMhayise anything its that you may find please share it with us and thats try to help the guy from mozambique as well thank you

  51. kodwa angizitholi izibongo nezithakazelo zakwaSHABANGU, kanye neSakwa MGAGA

  52. cebisa

    siyabonga ngololulwazi osicobelele ngalo

  53. Sandile Hlatshwayo


  54. bongane

    I nid mre info abt hlatshwayo surname,i have an assignment on the history of hlatshwayo as it is my surname pls help family
    pls contact me 0723732837 pls pls pls

    • mduduzi

      i m Hlatshwayo from bergville the youngest i had that my great grandfather was NQANJWANA one of his wifes was noMASONTO KELINAH MAPHALALA,she use to say uyintombi kamehlo kaZULU…i m having my own family so i need them to know our beground siphuma eMASWAZINI(BERGVILLE) sayo kwakha eROOKDALE endala so anyone awazi lomdeni i,ll love to connect

  55. Londiwe Hlatshwayo

    Bocebisa emakhosi,siyinqaba.

  56. Mbalenhle

    Gidinga usizo ngezthakazelo zakwa Zikalala plz!

  57. Sihlisizwe Hlatshwayo

    UMabhengeza(ta) , akekho uMbengeshe. UNgele noma Ngelemuthi, uNgelengele uHadebe.

    We were originally Dlamini/Nkhosi.
    The Hlatshwayo separated from the Nkhosi clan before Swazis were formed as a Nation. We then joined the Dlamini/Nkhosi again after the Swazi nation was formed. It was normal for clans to part ways and end up back together. To be historically accurate our clan came into being before the Swazi Nation was born, due to the Nguni and not Zulu wars, brothers were separated. Others went with Manukuza (Soshangana) Nxumalo to Moz to form the Gaza kingdom, while others were conquered and accepted Shaka’s overlordship and became amaZulu, while others still remembered ekhaya kwaNkhosi and joined the Swazi nation and became amaSwazi.
    Less than two hundred years ago we were one.
    Izibongo ezihlobene namaNgwanya:

    Zikalala- both clans agree.

    Nyalunga/Nyalungu/Mbethe/Mbetse- Hlatshwayos (in FB), disagree.

    Personally I think the Mbethe/Nyalungu branch is definitely Hlatshwayo, formed by our brothers who left with Soshangane.

    -uHlatshwayo wayengo wakwa Nkosi ebukhosini baseSwazini. Kwenzeka ukuthi omunye wabantwana basendlunkulu walala nodadewabo owayezalwa naye kunina.
    Wayesethi ke yena umndeni wakubo umhlabile ngoba umfowabo ulale nodadewabo ngakho usezibiza ngokuthi unguHlatshwayo. Isizwe saqanjwa nguye uHlatshwayo njengoba esephuma emndenini wakhe kwaNkosi ngoba ehlatshiwe eqa imingcele yaseSwazini afike akanise phezu koPhongolo kanye nabafowabo. Kuyilapho esezozala uNgwanya.

    (Another version)

    UHlatshwayo uyena owenza isenzo esamenza wadatshulwa, waxoshwa negama lakhe lakhishwa olibeni (lineage) lomndenini wakwaNkosi. Wabaleka wabe eshintsha igama lakhe waba uHlatshwayo.

    (Another version)
    UHlatshwayo noNgwane bazalwa inkosi uLanga. UHlatshwayo owayeyizibulo wayengeke abe yinkosi ngokomthetho wamaSwazi ngakho wasuswa eduze kwenkosana wabekwa eLucolweni abanye bathi eNgongweni. Lokhu kwenzelwa ukuthi angabangisi uNgwane.

    Igama likababa kaHlatshwayo alitholakali ngokugcwele, abanye ba uDlamini (don’t knw which one as there are 3), abanye bathi uLanga kaNkosi II.


    1 Hlatshwayo-
    2 Ngwanya—Ntamamhlop­­he(umuzi)
    3 Cebisa-
    4 Sampekwane—KwaMabh­­eka(umuzi
    5 Mhlaba1-
    6 Mgogodlana–
    7 Siyendane-
    –Ohlanyeni(umuzi) Ndonsamehlo(umuzi)
    8 Mleshe-
    9 Mhlaba2-
    10 Mhlangano—KwaSokes­­imbone(uwuzi)
    11 Thulanimangwanya kaMhlangano—KwaSok­­esimbone
    12 Fipha kaMhlangano—kwaSok­­esimbone

    Indlunkulu yamaHayise:
    Sophekwane/ Sompekwane
    Mhlaba I
    Mgogodlane I
    Mhlaba II.
    Mgogodlane II (eSwazini)

    Indlu yase Bergville:
    Makwelela ka Mgogodlana1
    Shali ka Makwelela
    Novoyi ka Shali(Somtseu)
    Siphiwe kaNovoyi
    Thulani ka Siphiwe

    Indlu yesithathu:

    Manukuza kaSiyendane
    Mgezeni kaManukuza
    Bambuhlanga kaMgezeni

    Indlu yaseGege:
    Mahubhu kaMuleshe
    Velamuva kaMahubhu

    Amakhosi abusayo namuhla:
    -uFipha ePiet retief
    -uVili eDumbe
    -uFisukwazi eNondweni(Nquthu)
    -UThulani eBergville,

    Wonke amakhosi akwaNgwanya angawesende likaSiyendane kodwa laba baseBergville bazalwa uMakhwelela ongumfowabo kaSiyendane.

    -USiyendane wadinwa ukuya eSwazini waphendula iminyango wayokhonza eSilweni samaZulu uMpande kaSenzangakhona, washo ke ukuthi akasayi ukuyokhonza eSwazini. UMpande wamxhoshisa ngezwe lakwaNgwanya ngaphesheya komfula uPhongolo kuya eDumbe (Paulpietersburg) liwele umfula uPhongolo ligudle kuMahamba lithathe iPiet Retief liphelele ezintabeni zaseMabola


    -Phuphu laNdaba namhla ngenandaba
    -Mshunguza ayigwaze engayigwazeli yena ayigwazela amankengane
    -UNgwanya kangakanani nasentendeni yesandla uyahlala nasothini lomkhonto anganela
    -Cebisa elimhlophe


    Mhayise waNgwanya! Cebisa lomuhle ngekucebisa emakhosi.
    Ngele yaboGama,
    Phuph’ laNdaba namhla indaba ingesiyo yakho.
    Vezi lelihle likaMswayini, Khobobo
    KaHlatshwayo akuvalwa ngemivalo kuvalwa ngemakhandz’ emadvodza. Mgogodlan’ owavel’ eziphunzini!
    Sibadla benjalo bosomconjwana.


    Mhayise Mpangalala,
    Ngele waGama,
    Gidza elugogweni,
    Khoboka Khuzekhulu ,
    Sibadla banjalo bosomconjwana,
    Mashiyam­­ahle (isithopho)
    Ka­H­latshwayo akuvalwa ngemivalo kuvalwangema khandza ebantfu,
    Sihlahla semanyeva sincutfwa ngemazembe ekubolekwa.
    Ngwanya lowa buli ngonyama kwa vela ingwe. Wena lowa tfukutselisa Nkenyane batsi bayabhodla wagcuma wemela ngahlanye Basala ba bulalana bodvwa kwaze kwafa newekugcina kwa dala inhlekelele lenkhulu leyahlengwa ngema jabhane aka khobobo.. Bathe bambela Hlatshwako lithuna emihumeni, kantsi kuyongena bona.


    “Wabulala amakhosi,ingwe yohlanga
    Mana nkonyane yohlanga
    “uNgwanya bamazi izwe lonke,izwe lonke
    nkonyane yamaNgwanya bayethuka
    Sokwa siwashise amankengane,sicwecwa­­ izizwe”

    • Sibonga kakhulu Sihlisizwe ka Mhayise sitha ume njalo wena wekunene. Singajabula kakhulu nabanye uma bengenza njengoba wenzile.
      Kuliqiniso asinalo ulwazi lonke kodwa sizama ukuqoqa lokho esikutholayo ukuze abezayo bangeyukulahleka kwazise isilungu sesiyakhela kusizwe esimnyama.

      Stanley Mondle Mbatha (Mbathastan)

      • ngiyabonga kakhulu kudala ngifuna ukwazi ngemvelaphi yama hayise

    • Vusi

      siyabonga Sihlisizwe ukusiphakamisa sazi ukuthi singobani sivelaphi Mhayise.

      • luthandoe

        cha nam ngyejabula kunin ngfun ukwaz ngemvelaph yam dankie boNgwanya

    • Smangele

      syabonga mfethu, scela indlela yokuzwa ihubo coz asaz liculwa kanjan.

    • Sipho Maswazi Hlatshwayo

      Wow CHA, Angibonge ukuzwa ngezibongo, nezithakaselo kanyenemvelaphi yami. Nakubake ngisasalelwe yisifiso esikhulu sokuba ngazi ukuthi mina nomndeni wami njengoba sesadlala eMtubatu nje ingabe saphuma kuyiphi indlu.

    • Ayikho into ejabulisa njengokuzazi ukuthi uvelaphi kuyathokozisa ukuthi ugcwale ngolwazi lwekini siyabonga kakhulu nisihlephulele njalo kwenikutholayo siyohlezi simagange ngokuzazi

      • Mduduzi

        dankie boMhayise mina when i grow up they used uNgelemuthi even now when i m home (Bergville)but thank you so much guys even from those in Mozambue

      • Abednego Mbetse

        My name is Abednego Reward Mbetsa. I’m happy to finally know where I come from, knowing my origin.. cuz I didn’t know any of this… Mbethe/Mbetse- Hlatshwayo things…


      Keep on risng Mhayise.I was empty on my mind but now sengiyazi ngemvelaph yethu

    • Amen Hlatshwayo

      Okugelona iqiniso wukuthi u Fipha uyi nkosi e Piet Retief,okuyiqiniso wukuthi
      ubukhosi busabanjwe undlunkulu u ka Lukhele emva kokukhothama kwe nkosi u Mgogodlane II.

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